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Favorite foods?

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I prefer chicken most of the time. As it tends to make me feel good about the taste. I guess lot of places have better chicken served. So I prefer that.


There's a food I always craving this days. I really like eating potato chips this days. I don't really like it before. It's kind of weird.
Vietnamese food.

I'm Vietnamese, so I'm biased on that point. :p
Hey, I like Vietnamese food. Like Banh mi where the sandwich has so many layers of meat and vegetables alike plus the paste that is so delicious. I plan on visiting HCM soon and I'd like to get into a good Vietnamese resto and have some food tripping there.


I recently tried some of the chicken dishes on my own. And it was definitely worth something to eat as well. I guess depending on what you cook it'd be different for each one of us.
All foodies are great, but as the philophers say, all in moderation. Not just in food but in everything else. Favorite? As a Filipino, I go for kare kare. They say this is a bastardized curry recipe but the heck, its delicious. So delcious to say the least. I also go for pizzas.
There are many favs when it comes to food. But lately, due a spike in diseases that are food related, I have come to a realization that the worst tating foodsies are actually the most healthy. So balance is again needed. Moderation is the name of the game.


These days I prefer eating something simple. And avoid heavy junk food. I prefer soup and the pasta if possible. I think soups are lot better. Healthwise it's even good for stomach.
Basically I like burgers and fries plus roasted chicken and pizzas. So its an international cuisine. But I also go for local Filipino dishes and lots of them. It really depends on the mood and the liking or want. Because wants have no end. But if I just need to eat to be fit and survive, vegetables and rice will do.


As long as stomach stays full I don't mind having soups and noodles. But depends on the available options though.
After backpacking in Asia I found I really love japanese food. Although when you go from the well known foods to some of the more traditional yet not outwardly known foods, things can get weird. Did you know that some foods use whalesperm in their soup. I really shouldn't have eaten that, but couldn't chicken out either