Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
Did anyone enjoy doing the Endurance races? That is if anyone ever done them at all. I think going in a loop for 1-2 hours was quite boring and tiring at times. It was worth it in the end for the unlocked cars and money, but that actual races itself was just a chore for me to get out of the way really.


Endurance race provides great ways to monitor and improve car performances. Trade off 1-2 hours in a loop just to have the best cars would be quite tedious in the end it pays off.


Yes it was good but the time it took was something not for me really something i didn't enjoy but as Dailypost1 said it was worth to get a amazing car.


New Member
I felt after about 20 minutes it got a bit boring for me, I wonder why they even include it really. Maybe 1 final big race to get the best car but a whole series of them, seemed a bit OTT.
I love them and I hate them all at the same time. Sometimes I cant stand Endurance races, I do them to complete the game. I enjoy them sometimes because I can call my friends over for a night of snacks sodas and endurance races so i can get them finished. They are very long and repetitive but when playing with a lot of friends thay can be fun. They only really such when you play the same track for 2 hours and 1 hour 58 minutes into the game you screw up BIG TIME, yep 2 hours wasted and you have to start all over.


Well-Known Member
I find them alright but not really so much so that I'd keep going back. I'd much rather spend my time else where as I don't have much patience for this type of racing.