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Driveclub's getting mixed reviews so far.

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Most of my friends and I have agreed to buy The Crew instead. From the looks of things it's simply the better game, hands down.
I am leaning towards the crew as well, its delay has given me more time to spread out my funds to make sure I can get it the release day. I have not heard anything good about Drive Club and it was one of the games I was looking forward to :/


Speaking as someone that's purchased this game, I have a hard time seeing what the reviewers problem with the game is.

I never thought I would agree with the people at GAF, but for once I do. It's as if the reviewers were literally trying to find things wrong. The online should have been fixed before release, but aside from that, there's nothing wrong with this game. Within the past 9 years especially, I've found myself liking games that reviewers try to deem bad.

Unfortunately though, we live in an age where the customers take reviewers word as the end-all, be-all. So if companies aren't "gifting" reviewers with things, they more than likely won't get favorable reviews.

All the more reason I go with my own personal opinion by playing games beforehand.

Typically I go by my friends opinions on a game, or very strong recommendations through a forum if I am going to purchase it. I don't listen to reivewers, I haven't in the last 15 years because its been proven time and time again that they are paid to give good reviews more often than not to certain titles, so they are not a trustworthy source for how a game will actually be, just the general information of the game itself. Everything I know about drive club is just based off of what i've visually seen, and it wasn't pleasing, not pleasing enough to drop money on it. This is where demos and trials get more people to buy a game that has had bad publicity.
As time goes by im beginning to here better and better things about this game. Its a shame that such a small problem tarnished this games rep. I hope evolution studios can bounce back from this. They and sony have to really make it up to playstation plus subs that were lied to and let down. Myself included.

What "lie" are you referring to here? They never lied to you. They said there was going to be a PS Plus version. But they are fixing the server code first before they put that out for people.

They didn't cancel it. It was postponed. They even made an official announcement on that on Facebook.

Here is the link as proof:
I think it was a wise decision to postpone the PS+ edition until all the problems are sorted out.

Exactly, as bad as things were, can you imagine how much worse it would have been?

They would have released the PS Plus version with the same launch problems, adding god only knows how much more server stress.

Good news is that the game is MUCH more playable now than it was before.


What "lie" are you referring to here? They never lied to you. They said there was going to be a PS Plus version. But they are fixing the server code first before they put that out for people.

They didn't cancel it. It was postponed. They even made an official announcement on that on Facebook.

Here is the link as proof:

The "Lie" comes from them saying you will get the free Playstaion plus game at launch. The launch came and went and no free Playstation plus version of the game not even a mention of it. Until the next day when they said oh were fixing the servers. If someone tells you they will give you something on monday and its tuesday and you dont get your thing they promised and they have not giving you any prior explanation. Isnt that misleading?
Again, like I just said in the post prior to your replying to me. They said it was postponed, not delayed. And they didn't say it wasn't still going to be given.

You can't expect them to put it out KNOWING it is messed up. Then everyone would have been having a fit if they did.

The ONLY way it would turn out as a lie is if they suddendly said "no we're not giving it to you anymore".

Look at the facebook link I posted for you to clearly see. It pretty much nullifies your "lie" theory.


I expected the game to be great after all the delays, but t was mediocre at best. I would have given it a 6. So these reviews are totally justifiable
*sigh* Another example of a racing game that is disastrous upon launch, and also does not live up to the hype. This is getting repetitive. I'm still waiting for that one holy grail of a game. I'm hoping it will be The Crew.
*sigh* Another example of a racing game that is disastrous upon launch, and also does not live up to the hype. This is getting repetitive. I'm still waiting for that one holy grail of a game. I'm hoping it will be The Crew.

Then keep waiting. If you played that beta on PC a few weeks ago you wouldn't be so upbeat about it.


I think I still want to take a look myself. Some reviewers may just be better at the game than others which explains their difference in thoughts on the AI. Then again, I may just be drawn in by the visuals. Either way I'm just glad they haven't considered the game a flat out bust.
If I were you I would listen to those reviews carefully. Many of those review are from angry gamers who didn't get to see their favourite cars, but the graphics and game play are perfectly fine, at least in my opinion they are.