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DriveClub Time Trial gameplay video

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Ghost Rider

Here's a video of a DriveClub time trial. The lighting looks amazing. The light of the sun during the sunset and the light of the car at night, it was great. The car that was used in the video was great as well and the interior view of the vehicle was awesome. What do you think?


I see what you meant. It is very impressive but particularly at the point of twilight. It is both surreal and very realistic with the play between the headlights and the instrument panel. I think the whole package they present is amazing!

mike mike

New Member
Indeed this is an amazing trailer. This is the type of trailer that gets a lot of people to buy the game. I like the whole design of the car and the racing.


It's really impressive to say the least. Just amazing! I think the power of the PS4 console has allowed that to go beyond the set boundaries and explore other options and things they can do n the game. And the result is in front of us.

Ghost Rider

It's really impressive to say the least. Just amazing! I think the power of the PS4 console has allowed that to go beyond the set boundaries and explore other options and things they can do n the game. And the result is in front of us.
Yes, it's good to see that a game of this beauty is already being done this early in the stage of the PS4s life cycle. It's a very good sign and it also symbolizes that the developers are on the right track. It would also be a great game to make Xbox One owners envious. Lol. :rolleyes:


New Member
Looks breathtaking, with more time being given to them to polish the game hopefully it will look even better when the game finally launches next year.

Till then I'll have to get my fix from GT6 - no bad thing:p


Well-Known Member
That does look great. I just hope they don't start cutting corners on it for the release like what happened to Forza for the Xbox. I think previews like these are played and filmed using PC's.