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Does anyone play Battlefield 4 on PC?

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New Member
I love Battlefield 4. The vehicular warfare, naval warfare, and aerial warfare as well as infantry action definitely makes this game worth while. Battlefield 4 is on sale for only $20 on origin and on cdkeys it's only $15. I've been looking for people to play with, since playing with friends truly brings out the Bf4 experience. Does anyone play?

My origin ID is primaLucid. I look forward to playing with you guys!
Believe me or not even though I have heard a lot of positive opinions about Battlefield I have never ever in my entire life played any of the serie. There's many people around me (my friends, family members) telling me about how good that game is, I still have never played it. Might finally need to try playing though.


I've never played Battlefiled 4. I heard it looks good especially the upcoming game Battlefield Hardline. Might take it in the near future.


I bought Battlefield 4 on Origin with my friend during the christmas sale special for half price I believe. Unfortunately I haven't installed it after playing the beta and I honestly don't even know when I'll be back to playing that. The beta was hella fun to play with friends though. Probably going to try it again when it goes on sale so my friends can buy it and we can play it together. Game's just too large for me to download right now, without wasting bandwidth. :/
I've watched game plays of Battlefield 4. The graphics and the game itself are really nice. Unfortunately I can't run the game because my computer can't handle the stress.


I used to play it on my friend's account, since I didn't want to spend money on it if I can play for free. He had the premium edition, as well. I liked it quite a lot, but comparing it to Battlefield 3, it's just not nearly as good. It's like a copy of Battlefield 3, with different guns and maps, and everything else is pretty much the same. Except for the fact that helicopters are now useless, since the anti-air missiles have been made a lot more powerful and the flares take forever to replenish. In Battlefield 3, me and my friend could stay up in the air for 10-15 minutes with good teamwork over the microphone. One of us drops the flares, and when we get targeted again, another one drops the flares, and in the meantime the first one's flares already get replenished. In Battlefield 4, only the pilot has flares.


This game is easier to play on PC just like BF3 was. I've never played any battlefield games on consoles.


Battlefield was made to be played on the PC, and I don't really say stuff like that about those kinds of FPS shooter. The one game in that category I would think that just HAS to be played on PC, and no other way, would be Counter-Strike, because playing on console is virtually impossible if you really want to to be a good player. Games like Call of Duty can be played on console no problem, but something like Battlefield is best played on the PC. Better controls, better graphics and better teamwork/gameplay. I have it on console, and it's not a pleasant experience.


Active Member
I played it briefly but I haven't touched it lately. I got it gifted by my friends but they don't play anymore and I don't feel like playing solo.