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The Crew Do you wish that The Crew was a single player game?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Well-Known Member
So true its why ive taken the time to clear my entire back catalog over 25 games I have unopened on my shelf. So far I have finished 5 of them, three Platinum and the other 2 are very time consuming but Ill get around to it.
I envy you. I've been putting off my backlog since forever because I'm always really busy or I get distracted and focus on other hobbies but I really do want to finish those games. It's just that they take some time to finish so I try to be in the right mood when I start so I can have a more fun experience.


I envy you. I've been putting off my backlog since forever because I'm always really busy or I get distracted and focus on other hobbies but I really do want to finish those games. It's just that they take some time to finish so I try to be in the right mood when I start so I can have a more fun experience.

Lately ive been binge playing games like I binge watch tv shows on Netflix. I take a weekend or a day off and sit down and play a game straight from start to end. Since most games now a days are so short I can sometimes knock out 2-2.5 games a day.


Well-Known Member
Lately ive been binge playing games like I binge watch tv shows on Netflix. I take a weekend or a day off and sit down and play a game straight from start to end. Since most games now a days are so short I can sometimes knock out 2-2.5 games a day.
I do this too but I have to be in the right mood and unfortunately it doesn't always line up with my free time. It's why I also have a lot of backlog on the shows I'd like to watch as well. These days when I have free time I usually just waste it away doing random time wasting activities but hopefully soon I could put in much more of an effort to play or watch shows.

Miles Hansen

New Member
With all the DRM nonsense that's going around I don't think there will be an offine single player. I would love it if there was, as I'm more of a single player kind of gal, but I can almost guarantee that that will never ever happen. I know Ubisoft, I know their business model. I suppose I'll have to live with multiplayer, even if I do prefer otherwise.


We're a bit spoiled, I guess. A similar question could be "wouldn't you looooove a single-player Counterstrike?" or "...a single-player World of Warcraft"? Yep, we'd do, but there are already games like those. Why should a multiplayer game be single-player as well?

I prefer single player games, but when I'm playing something multiplayer, I prefer it to be awesome at what it does - that is, "multiplayer" (what...a...surprise!). Quake Arena and Quake Live, Unreal Tournament, for example, are just bad as single player games. Heavy Rain would be bad as a multiplayer game.

Some experiences are created to offer a specific kind of "fun". Would a football match be fun if you played alone in your back yard? Would reading a book be fun if you had your friends shouting in your ear? And that's why some games are better as only-multiplayer or only-single-player games.


New Member
To be honest, I don't think it would make such a difference. Players cannot do much to others players to make it game changing. In fact they can go intangible and even avoid getting hit so I personally don't mind and think it's pretty cool seeing others roaming around.


Active Member
I don't really think The Crew needed a singleplayer mode simply because the online one is good enough, and the game was made with the idea of bringing players together and competing. The A.I wouldn't have been as fun.
My experience with multiplayer is fine but I would love to play it in single player mode too. It would not take much time for a developer to create this option. It would be great if it would be in both modes.


Active Member
It would be nice if The Crew was a single player game too (by the way, I've thought of this several times) but I'm very satisfied how the game is in reality.

To be honest, The Crew would be perfect with the both options.
It would be great it would be a one player game but I am still ok with current mode. The crew is the best game ever out there. I have addiction to play it every day. I want you people to try this game and then let me know if you like this game. There is nothing to hate about it.


Oh My god! I wish this game was a single player. Why are they force us to play with strangers?


I also feel like The Crew could be played in an offline mode like steam games. I have to agree with Hova on this one, forcing us to play with strangers, sucks!


I wish The Crew had an offline mode like steam games. I have to agree with @Hova with this one, forcing us to play with strangers, sucks!


Why not? Sometimes a guy just needs time to himself with his game, without outside distraction. I'm just saying.