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Do you watch awards like the Oscars?

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Growing up, we had no satellite or cable and only could watch about 3-5 stations with an antenna. I grew up watching a little bit of everything because there wasn't much to pick from. I remember watching every award ceremony that came on but now I absolutely hate them. I just think they are so boring and I would not waste my time watching them.


I don't usually however I did watch the Oscars this year. I get a bit bored at times, but I like hearing the speeches of some of my favourite actors and stuff.
Nope, I cannot stand them. They aren't that interesting, though I will occasionally watch a music performance depending on who it is. For example, at the Grammy's this year I watched Imagine Dragons and Kendrick Lamar (which was pretty awesome), but I didn't watch the actual award show. I mean come on, Macklemore won best rap album??? Unbelievable.


A bunch of pretentious hollywood yuppity yups patting each other on the back for doing something not so important. Nope, not my cup of tea.


Because of time difference I can't watch Oscars live. But I do watch it on TV replays. Youtube really helps in finding the nice moments afterwards.


I'd probably like the Oscars more is some deserving actors would actually win from time to time. ***COUGH COUGH - Leo***


I don't sit through the whole thing live, but I'll catch the "best of" the day after, watching all the awards and the best jokes :)


I don't watch shows like that much. But if I catch one on TV, I just cannot stop watching it for some reason. I guess I really want to find out who wins the award.
I also think they are boring. I think they're 90% filler like football games. I don't understand the attraction, the jokes aren't even that funny.


I rarely watch television only if it is news then I watch. When it comes to movies I watch them later after they have been aired. That is the way I love watching my shows.


Well-Known Member
I used to watch them back when there wasn't much to watch, but now that there's way more things to watch that are a lot more interesting, I've given up on watching the Oscars. I may watch some MTV awards every now and then though since that at least is a little less stiff.


I use to watch award shows when I was younger, but not in the past several years. I don't really follow up on pop culture as much as I use too. There have been times where I will see that an award show I use to watch is on and I'll just pass it.

Jun Yun

I watch them when I get the chance to. I don't always agree with the choices, but I find it fun to just guess who wins and bet on it with a couple of friends. Other than that, I usually just look up who won and I'm done with it.


I cant really watch these things because these shows have to much junk going on in them and they are really boring to me.


Not very often. I used to watch them all the time as they used to be a big thing for me mostly just for the musical performances mostly, but then they got really old, seems like they were more for old people than youth.


God no. They really are crap. They used to be worth watching for the musical performances but not anymore really...


Growing up, we had no satellite or cable and only could watch about 3-5 stations with an antenna. I grew up watching a little bit of everything because there wasn't much to pick from. I remember watching every award ceremony that came on but now I absolutely hate them. I just think they are so boring and I would not waste my time watching them.
It's boring to me and most of the movies I never seen. If your just a big movie fan who watches every movie that comes out, then maybe the academy awards are for you. It's not my cup of tea.


I try to catch the last hour when the meaningful awards are given out. If it is a good host then I do enjoy the Oscars.


I'm not really interested in celebrities than the movies or TV shows that they make. I think its better to play video games than to watch that stuff.