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Do you watch awards like the Oscars?

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Award shows like these are mostly a waste of time and in certain ways, yet another sign of our obsession with the celebrity culture. I for one don't like to watch any of these.


I used to watch the MTV awards when I was like 14, 15 years old. But honestly I do not care anymore. Sometimes I feel like I want to watch the Oscars, because of many good movies and actors that get nominated; but all the hype just bothers me, it makes me shut down my computer and not want to turn on a television for about a week until everyone stops talking about it.


Well-Known Member
I used to watch the MTV awards when I was like 14, 15 years old. But honestly I do not care anymore. Sometimes I feel like I want to watch the Oscars, because of many good movies and actors that get nominated; but all the hype just bothers me, it makes me shut down my computer and not want to turn on a television for about a week until everyone stops talking about it.
I prefer mtv movie awards as well. Even though it's just another marketing campaign to sell the movies, it's at least fun. I think the oscars are fun too but just in a very different way and after I see what everyone is wearing I'm already bored.


Honestly, who doesn't? I get if you don't watch it or you're not up to date on it, but the word about the Oscars spread like crazy and is all over the news, so the Oscars is a pretty big deal. I honestly love watching it, just because I'm a pretty big film fanatic and seeing my favorite films get credit and acclaim that they deserve is pretty much why I watch the awards. I mean, watching JK Simmons finally win an Oscar (his performance from Whiplash, uh, probably the best performance of 2014) after countless film and television credits, it makes me wonder when Leonardo DiCaprio will finally get his.
I watched a few award shows before. But personally, I don't really find them interesting. They're pretty cool to watch from time to time, but generally, I don't like to sit and just watch awards.


I like news centered around celebrities. The fact remains I hardly have the time to watch most of the celebrity shows including Oscars. I am okay getting a brief summary on the latest about stars which may even come through hearsay or gossip.
Not really, I find them useless and a waste of time. I watched the oscars once and got disappointed because it was so transparent, about who is going to win a reward and so. It is literally predictable and goes by a pattern. And after all, you can always just see online who got the rewards after.


Rarely, I do not follow awards like Oscars. I can just read briefly about them on the news don't have the time to follow them. In 2014 somehow I was able to follow the Oscars a thing that I rarely do, then I was trying to blog about the happenings.


I don't value oscars and their expensive parties and stuff. It has zero value to us. And adds nothing more to the entertainment. So it's waste for me.


The only awards show that I bother with or at least make an effort to watch is the BET hip hop awards and the only reason I do, is because of the Freestyles.


I used to watch it but then it seems like nothing but waste of money. And it didn't added much of the fun either. It has now becoming the echo chamber where SJW politics is being played. So not worth watching at all.


I only watch BBMAs. I have a favorite artist who is always nominated in the award categories and I'm always participating in voting. I want them to win, if course that's why I always watch Billboard Music Awards.