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Do you use cheat sheets?

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Cheap sheets make racing games quite boring. Nevertheless, they shouldn't be used only in times of boredom or entertainment. Pure racing games sound better quality.


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know there were cheat sheets available for racing games. I assumed it was mostly just skill based and probably a bit of memorization. I only use cheat sheets for other genres that have some walkthroughs but I usually keep myself from checking them out until I've at least finished the game once without help.


I sometimes use walkthroughs for other game genres, but no. I don't see why a cheat sheet would be needed for a racing game. I figure, if I win, I win, and if I lose, I lose. Simple as that.

Denis Hard

I one of those people you'd call a bad loser.

I hate to lose and what would guarantee you a win? Cheats! I use them all the time and for those who say the game gets boring, looks like you've not used cheat sheets before. It makes the game even much better.
where do you get them from?
All I do is Google "Game name" cheats

and sites like these ones will appear in the SERPs:

And many others.


I use walkthroughs sometimes for games that have elaborate puzzles and problem solving, but I don't really need cheats for racing games.
I'll keep retrying the same race until I win.


The only thing for races I might use is maybe something to find shortcuts on a track, but that's it. Most of the time, I can find shortcuts on my own anyway. So, I don't really see the point in a cheat for a racing game, unless it did something cool or amusing to the car's appearance.


Nah, I'm not a fan of using cheats...why not just have some fun? It's just a game, I wouldn't take it seriously enough to feel the need for a cheat sheet ;).


New Member
I do. The game I enjoyed the most using cheats was NFSU2. I used a trainer which had this option to launch your car to instant 200 km/h and it was just fun to run into the opponents at that speed and ruin their performance. Most of the time I didn't even finish the race but I had fun indeed.


I wouldn't call them cheat sheets. I'm weird in the sense that I take notes on certain areas of games. I also keep check list of things to complete or unlock. Occasionally I might use a walkthrough or guide.


Never used one and never will. Figuring out what to do is what is part of a game's fun. I only use walkthroughs for large RPG games and even then only during my second playthrough. Figuring things out by yourself also lead to a bigger feel of accomplishment when you get something done, I wouldn't want that taken away from me


I wouldn't call them cheat sheets. I'm weird in the sense that I take notes on certain areas of games. I also keep check list of things to complete or unlock. Occasionally I might use a walkthrough or guide.
That's a good idea. That's different than what they're talking about. You do kind of what I do, like keeping an eye out for shortcuts on the track or maybe collectible items that may help.
I don't. And this doesn't only apply to racing games, this applies to all games. I don't like to cheat, and I very rarely go to a walkthrough online, only when I am truly stuck and don't know how to continue.


I don't use cheats, because when I play a game I want it to be challenging. There is no challenge by playing a game with cheats, I'm the opinion that only the people that suck at playing the game are using cheats to beat it. I don't want to be invincible, fast as lightning or be able to go through walls, this takes all the fun out of a video game.

Denis Hard

I don't use cheats, because when I play a game I want it to be challenging. There is no challenge by playing a game with cheats, I'm the opinion that only the people that suck at playing the game are using cheats to beat it. I don't want to be invincible, fast as lightning or be able to go through walls, this takes all the fun out of a video game.
You can cheats and still find the game challenging. With racing games for example [the ones I've played with cheats] getting rid of the traffic doesn't make the game any less difficult. Those you're competing against also find it easier because they are not bumping into cars either. You still must compete against the others and beating them isn't easy.


No i don't because i play it old fashioned. I prefer playing without cheat because i like playing it the normal way. It is true that it is a bit harder but i like it to be challenging. I really never used cheats on any other game than on Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I didn't even know that they exist at that time but even if i did nothing would change. I could probably use cheats after i got bored with games or something like that but that rarely happens because i stop playing at that point.
I don't use them but my son loves them. He like kicking my butt on something and waiting for me to figure out what he did. That does not apply as much to our racing or MLB games. In baseball he still can't hit a curve ball and is a sucker for a change-up. No cheat sheet covers a good change-up at the right time.