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Do you play Sonic?

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I know it's a racing game due to some players doing it on Multiplayer mode. So, do you play this game? I have seen a lot of people playing Multiplayer, and they are racing to the fastest they can.
I can't really play sonic, because I don't know of any sonic games for the later systems such as PS4 xbox 360, PS4 and Xbox One. I wish they had Sonic games on these consoles.

Ghost Rider

I've played some sonic games before on the Sega Genesis. I liked them but I was not that obsessed with them. I also have Sonic Dash installed in my mobile device. It's a bit like a racing game but it's more of a runner game. Again, it's not that great but it's a lot of fun.


New Member
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle on the Gamecube has a two-player racing mode, if I recall correctly, where you race on tracks that are slight modifications of the areas available in story mode. The game also allowed the players to attack one another during the race, which set it apart from other racing games. I could be completely wrong, though-- but this is what I remember.


Well-Known Member
I did play Sonic, especially the first, but I never really got that much into the sequels anymore although I did still get to play the multiplayer mode and I did still kind of enjoy them. I couldn't really enjoy them fully though because I prefer to be thorough when going through the stage and racing with another player just makes you want to move quickly instead of thoroughly and it peeves me a little. Also, not a very big fan of split screens.


Wait - do you mean Sonic the Hedgehog or are you talking about some other sort of Sonic? Because Sonic has never really been about racing even if there was a timer involved. I'm just looking for some clarification here.


I remember back in the day playing flash Sonic on the school computers and racing against my friend who was next to me, great times. Never played Sonic on any console though or strictly in multiplayer.


Wait - do you mean Sonic the Hedgehog or are you talking about some other sort of Sonic? Because Sonic has never really been about racing even if there was a timer involved. I'm just looking for some clarification here.
Me too. Are we all talking about Sonic the hedgehog here? There's racing games for the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise as well, like Sonic and Sega All Star Racing, Sonic and Sega All Star Racing Transformed, and some in-game racing mode for several games......but just to be really clear, it's Sonic the Hedgehog right?


I used to play it. I really enjoyed it as a kid. I love the new Sonic called Sonic Generations. It's amazing. Overall I think that Sonic games are unique and good.


They are fun games but the more recent ones have been kinda crap. Generations has really done a great thing for the franchise kind of rebooting it and from there on the games have been alot better then they used to and along with the new Sonic Boom game and series it's going to get even more interesting.


New Member
Never really tried it. I've seen some videos on YouTube with gamers presenting the game and whatnot, but I can't say it's very appealing to me. I might get it someday in the distant future, but that's going to happen when I'm really, really bored.


New Member
Well I'm assuming you meant the Sonic and Sega All Star Racing Transformed. I played the demo of this game for Nintendo 3DS, and it was fun, the graphics weren't all that good, and the game lagged a lot, but the stages were really interesting, I won't recommend it though, because it lagged a lot to the point I came in last place (crashing into objects, falling for stage hazards). I don't think I'll play any other Sonic racing games now.


It is an okay game but I would rather play other games than it. I have been impressed by their game structure. It is a personal opinion.
I tried the Sonic racing game for PC, but it just refused to work with my controller. It plays pretty badly with the keyboard, so I couldn't have nearly as much fun as with Mario Kart games. The graphics are nice, though.
I used to play it back on Playstation 2 times, when I bought it and was very young. I found it fun and such, but then I found better games like GTA and dropped all the others.

Ghost Rider

Wait - do you mean Sonic the Hedgehog or are you talking about some other sort of Sonic? Because Sonic has never really been about racing even if there was a timer involved. I'm just looking for some clarification here.
Haha, yeah, the OP was kinda vague in starting this thread. Maybe he generalized it and didn't really care if we talked about Sonic the platformer or Sonic racing games. There have been a number of Sonic racing games released across different platforms. Like the one quoted below:
I tried the Sonic racing game for PC, but it just refused to work with my controller. It plays pretty badly with the keyboard, so I couldn't have nearly as much fun as with Mario Kart games. The graphics are nice, though.

Keyboard+racing games = boooorring