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Gran Turismo 6 Do you get bored after a while?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
Yes, Gran Turismo 6 can get quite boring in some cases; however, there are ways and things you can do in the game to make it "less boring" and more intuitive or fun. :)
As a GT fan since GT4, I think that will eventually happen with every game. You'll get bored of it, and then they'll make a new one, so have no worries, I think they'll find a way to engage us in the game a little more. :D


I get bored when I play this for hours. And it happens most of all the games I played. If I get bored, I immediately switch to another game.
Gran Turismo looks extremely pretty, no doubt about that. Fans of the series definitely would have a lot to love with this game. I've spent a considerable amount of time with this game and I've enjoyed it. But after a while, I've felt a bit of emptiness. Now, races seem routine and the excitement factor has toned down. Actually, races are now pretty boring. Do you feel the same way like I do?

For those of us who have played this game since Gran Turismo 1 and have felt the pain of some real long lasting tag team endurance races with friends, yes bordem can set in quite quickly. If you do not know what a tag team endurance race is then you have not experiences GT at its fullest strength of possible bordem. I can remember races I did solo and fell asleep while playing it HAHA.
As with all games, I tend to get bored of the game session after about one hour of gameplay, then I'll make a pause in which I'll surf the Internet or just lose some time around the house (maybe do something productive, but that's very rarely ), then I'll come back to the console to make another one hour gameplay session.

In general, I usually get bored for good of games after a month, then I'll start playing something else, then I'll come back to the game I abandoned after about 2 or 3 months.


Active Member
Sometimes, but that happens to every game that I play. That doesn't mean that GT is bad, it's an amazing game. I usually get bored of things fast!


Active Member
If I get bored with a racing game, then I simply move onto another game and then come back to racing when I feel like it.