Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Do you care about the story?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


When I play a game for the first time I pay a lot of attention to the story of that game. I believe that the story is the part of the game that should keep you at playing this game, it should charm you and glue you to the game. I think that the story of the game makes you care more about the characters and gets you more emotionaly involved in that game.


Well-Known Member
@jurew2 agreed. When it's well done then it really brings a new dimension to the game but unfortunately most of these games only have stories because they are supposed to these days, and those ones I don't care about the plot as much.


I feel like most games these days don't focus on the story as much as the graphics or gameplay. Back then, when there weren't really any gameplay or graphic capabilities, story was key and most of times, it was top-notch. That's why we think Silent Hill, Half-Life, Resident Evil in the past had such good stories, because they did. Now, the only game I can think of being great with story telling is TellTale Games with The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead and Naughty Dog with The Last of Us. It's a shame that most games don't focus on story these days.


Oh definitely. Story is usually my main priority for a game. Not counting casual mini games of course :p
Usualy an engaging storyline is what attracts me enough to continue and finish a game. Good gameplay and graphics are always a plus. And then there's the characters too. The interaction between characters has to be interesting for me as well. I like character customization too, but those don't usually works well with character development though.


Story is a requirement. I don't play games that don't have lore/story. I find playing a game just for the mechanics boring. Could you imagine how dull games like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Spec Ops The Line, Red Dead Redemption, Bioshock, Tomb Raider, InFamous, every RPG ever made ,etc, would be if there was no story. Those games would be mindless mechanics. You would just be a person killing people and walking around with no purpose. Who would play those.