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Best Gaming Series Ever on PS2

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New Member
My favorites and probably the best are GTA, Def Jam, and Kingdom Hearts. Some great memories with those games. Still waiting for a current-gen Def Jam.


Well-Known Member
My favorites and probably the best are GTA, Def Jam, and Kingdom Hearts. Some great memories with those games. Still waiting for a current-gen Def Jam.
Def jam is definitely up there in the top games of ps2 at least for me. I'm not sure but I think there is also one for ps3 though I'm not sure how good it is, but I suspect it didn't live up to the predecessor since it's not as talked about.


New Member
Def jam is definitely up there in the top games of ps2 at least for me. I'm not sure but I think there is also one for ps3 though I'm not sure how good it is, but I suspect it didn't live up to the predecessor since it's not as talked about.

I think the ps3 one was Def jam Icon. It wasn't good at all in my opinion. It was just a completely different game. Controls were a little hard. Just different from the classic FFNY


GTA series for sure, because it is one of the most known games out there and it is super fun. Everyone can play it, someone who plays a lot of games can have fun with it and someone who is new to games or doesn't play a lot - therefore he isn't good - can have fun with it too.


Well-Known Member
I think the ps3 one was Def jam Icon. It wasn't good at all in my opinion. It was just a completely different game. Controls were a little hard. Just different from the classic FFNY
I saw a bit of the footage of gameplay and it did seem very different. I think that's very unfortunate because they had hit gold with the original game and all they really had to do was repeat it with updated graphics. I hope they come out with another one soon and return to formula.
I think GTA and God Of War would probably get the top votes when it comes to PS2 games. I'd also maybe vote for Tekken and another less popular favorite of mine has always been Def Jam.
Exactly. Those probably have to be my top two for PS2 games. I love hack-n-slash games like god of war and GTA was a big part of my childhood.


In my heart its a close race between God Of War and Ratchet and Clank. I love them both equally for what they are and what they have become over the years and generations. Cant wait to see what will come of them for the PS4.


The best series that I have played no the PS is the GTA series. Up until the newer releases of GTA these were the games that you used to look forward to playing because they were that good.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Those probably have to be my top two for PS2 games. I love hack-n-slash games like god of war and GTA was a big part of my childhood.
All of my friends were obsessed with those games. I wasn't but I did enjoy watching them play it. My favorites were usually the less popular ones like def jam but I still loved the innovative nature of all games that came out for that console.
I think the GTA series and Crash Bandicoot series were pretty cool! GTA definitely had the most variety in it though. For a PS2 platform, games weren't the most action packed, but they still kept me entertained!


Well-Known Member
GTA since it's a racing forum! But if all games were allowed I would go with the Metal Gear series.
GTA's versions on ps2 really did a lot to change games forever. We now have a lot of open world games but at the time it was the only one of its kind and all the activities you could do on the later versions really set up the standard for what you could do with a game.


I love Kingdom Hearts and the GTA series on PS2. Oh and also the MGS series. Those games are great and it's still a great game until now.


I also think that Def Jam was a really good series for the console and one that I used to spend a lot of time playing.


Well-Known Member
I also think that Def Jam was a really good series for the console and one that I used to spend a lot of time playing.
I loved playing it too both alone and with friends. It was super fun with friends because there were lots of tricks you could do with the environment.


Honestly, I really never saw the big deal with the software on this system even though the gaming community really felt it had a strong list. But the games I did enjoy the most on there was GTA3 and GTA San Andreas. They were some of the titles that stand the test of time in my opinion. Couldn't get enough of zoning out on those few.


Active Member
My all-time favorite gaming series is Prince of Persia, I don't know if they released Forgotten Sands on PS2 as well but the trilogy is amazing. I definitely would give them a go if I were you, they're so freakin' awesome!


My list is pretty short but to be fair I haven't got to explore all the titles of this console. Which isn't a bad thing for me considering I still have somethings to collect in the future. But my list so far would be GT4, Gran Theft Auto San Andreas, Marvel vs Capcom 2, TonyHawk2 and some RPG games.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I really never saw the big deal with the software on this system even though the gaming community really felt it had a strong list. But the games I did enjoy the most on there was GTA3 and GTA San Andreas. They were some of the titles that stand the test of time in my opinion. Couldn't get enough of zoning out on those few.
Can't speak for everyone but for me what I liked most about it was the uniqueness of the games as they all had innovations in it that I have never seen and have not seen since on other generations of consoles. Racing games had lots of extra features like police chases and going through barricades as well as taking down you competitors. Even fighting games like def jam were so unique and also even hack and slash games like marvel nemesis also had lots of extra fun features instead of just running around and killing enemies.