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Are you still "able" to play old games?

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I hate to say it, but I grew up playing games like COD and CS. I am not able to go back to games like Morrowind anymore. I tried to play it a few months ago, but ended up uninstalling t from my hard drive a few hours later. Having said that, I really loved Oblivion. I am thing about re installing it.
I think I could play a older game, if it is a great game. I haven't played a older game in a long time. I don't think they are that much fun for me as they use to be.


Well-Known Member
@msreebaybay same here. I've tried replaying some of the old games and although some of them are still as fun, unfortunately most of them are much better to be just kept in my memory with my nostalgia goggles on.


I am still able to play the old games if I remember them of being fun, because of the nostalgia perhaps. But I can't really play them for too long, because I don't get the same feeling as I did back there or when I play any of the new games. Maybe that is because they lack of complexity or something like that, I don't know.


I go between gens literally like all the time. If you can't do that then you have shit taste. You have to be able to consider the classics to order to progress today. If anything I find the occasional modern game to bore me visually. Alan Wake was a fucking awful game. Pretentious, annoying, the WORST controls, terrible pacing and that god awful color palette. Whereas I go back to play a game such as... Max Payne or Final Fantasy 8 I find those to be better paced with far better controls.


Depends on the game really, doesn't it? I mean, Tetris will always hold up, and I defy you to find anyone that says it doesn't! Meanwhile, something like say...I dunno, the original Mario Tennis or something just doesn't stand the rest of time as well as other games have.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the game really, doesn't it? I mean, Tetris will always hold up, and I defy you to find anyone that says it doesn't! Meanwhile, something like say...I dunno, the original Mario Tennis or something just doesn't stand the rest of time as well as other games have.
This is true. A lot of the classics are still very playable today because there isn't much to add onto them. I still play bomberman a lot because there is really only one way to play it and no matter how many new versions they come up with it always stays the traditional way.


I really can't relate to this...
Just today I killed a couple of hours with the SNES emulator, and I had a great time.

There are genres where I enjoy the ultra-realism, but I'll always like 16 bit stuff. Just looking at it makes me smile.
I'm probably go for another 30 mins of Street Fighter before going to bed. :D


I can still play old SEGA games. Sonic 1-3 (& Knuckles), Shinobi 3, Golden Axe, NiGHTS: Into Dreams, Space Channel 5 (on Dreamcast), and various others. I can also play the old Mortal Kombat games without an issue.
I've found that I can play really old games, but slightly old games feel too dated. I think it's the retro-nostalgia factor.

I'm playing Super Mario 64 right now, but I can't even touch Fallout 3.


There are some games I can really play a lot like Diablo 1/2, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy, Ultima Games. I really don't have the patience to play some of the old platformers like Mario or megaman.
Well, I started playing old school games back in the Snes era, so that was pretty much the standard back then. Even now I usually go back to those games once in a while because they were just plain fun. I love story games and I usually get bored if a game doesn't have a good story, older games didn't have the best stories, but they were just plain fun.


Well-Known Member
There are some games I can really play a lot like Diablo 1/2, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy, Ultima Games. I really don't have the patience to play some of the old platformers like Mario or megaman.
Same here, although to be fair, I don't think I had the patience for these even when I was younger. I prefer the Genesis games a bit more. Also I think it's partly because there aren't any saved state capabilities for these old games which is kind of discouraging.


The games I love I keep and play. I have several older systems I take out when I am bored with whatever new games I am playing. Graphics and things like that don't matter to me if I enjoy the game I will play it from time to time. I have a big library of games and about four different older systems I keep on hand just for that sole purpose.