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Are you going to buy Far Cry 4?

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I have been waiting to get y hands on this game for a while. The reviews are mostly 8 and 9s, so it should be good. What do you think about it? Are you planning to get it?


No way. Have to wait for TotalBisuit's performance review and make sure it works well. Can't have another AC unity disaster, and Ubisoft are really bad, looking at their embargo with this game, this will most likely be terrible.

Far Cry 2 will always be better.
I think I will be getting Far Cry 4. I played the 3rd one and loved it. The 4th one is looks better and seems like it has more activities and has a bigger map. So I'll be getting it for sure.


I will probably buy it on the week of Christmas for a discount (if it will have one). I have tons of games I've bought this past months and I should play them first before buying a new game.


If I get a good deal on it yea. I played Far Cry 2 and really enjoyed it. Plus ever since the age old Doom I love first person shooting games.


Although I did experience technical difficulties with Far Cry 2. I could not finish the game because my player's saves were corrupted. The patch came later on but that was almost 8 months after.


New Member
Dont buy it yet, Its really buggy because of the pushed release. You'll experience terrible lagspikes and you will have to fuck around with settings so you can actually see stuff in shadows and in sunshine.

Miles Hansen

New Member
Not for PC, Ubisoft is notoriously horrible with porting their games to PC. I don't want another Assasins' Creed Unity experience where the game is almost completely ruined by bugs and horrible lag. When Ubisoft decides to fix their horrible PC business model, I might give it a go though, as I really enjoyed the other games in the Far Cry series.
Doubt I can even run the game! I had Far Cry 1 though and that was okay on my PC. But number 4 definitely has bigger improvements in terms of the graphics.


Far Cry 4, released, is actually pretty good. Not as good as Far Cry 3 however. The problem is, is that Far Cry 3 had such a memorable villain but Far Cry 4 didn't. Yes, Troy Baker did do an excellent job of voice casting, but the character itself is very boring. All in all, it was the plot of Far Cry 4 that brought it back and what propelled Far Cry 3.


I'm still waiting to buy this game. It was on a sale on Steam recently, but still wasn't cheap enough, so I ended up buying Far Cry 3. I'm enjoying it, so far, and I got to the second island. I can only imagine how fun Far Cry 4 is going to be when I get it. The next sale is Halloween, I think, so it's not that long of a wait. I prefer to buy my games on sales, unless I really want it so bad. I'm going to pre-order Fallout 4, but I usually don't buy single-player games on release.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably buy it at some point but not immediately. I always try and wait a while longer just to make sure the game is worth buying and also it's a plus when the price is already slashed by the time I get to it. I still have lots of games in my backlog so I don't mind.


Active Member
Never actually tried Far Cry 4, though I played Far Cry a bit and I was quite impressed with the gameplay. I just didn't really get into the franchise.