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Are racing games realistic enough at the moment?

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Active Member
I would venture to say yes, racing games are really realistic at the moment. Not only in terms of graphics but also in terms of gameplay and physics, the engine seems pretty solid.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too much into realistic racing games but admittedly I'm still very much impressed by them. I think we're at the point where you can really be amazed at the achievement and it gets harder and harder to imagine any more added realism at this point.

Denis Hard

Most racing games are realistic enough and Project Cars probably is the most realistic but like Wubwub I don't like such racing games. I get enough of that when I drive but when racing I want something that isn't too realistic They are the best IMHO. Games like Burnout . . .


Active Member
Most racing games are realistic enough and Project Cars probably is the most realistic but like Wubwub I don't like such racing games. I get enough of that when I drive but when racing I want something that isn't too realistic They are the best IMHO. Games like Burnout . . .
Haha, Burnout was really cool and it was definitely a good twist from what we were accustomed to. Project Cars is amazing, definitely one of the best racing games out there.


Active Member
Yeah they are getting really realistic these days in terms of physics.

GT 6 for example you really have to work to not lose control of your car. That games driving physics are insane.


Active Member
Yeah they are getting really realistic these days in terms of physics.

GT 6 for example you really have to work to not lose control of your car. That games driving physics are insane.
Haven't played GT 6 that much, but if you say the physics are realistic I should really play it more. I liked the cars in this game a lot, the design was dope! :p


Well-Known Member
Haha, Burnout was really cool and it was definitely a good twist from what we were accustomed to. Project Cars is amazing, definitely one of the best racing games out there.
We really need more of these unique racing games in my opinion. I think we have enough traditional racing games for now.


Active Member
Most racing games are realistic enough and Project Cars probably is the most realistic but like Wubwub I don't like such racing games. I get enough of that when I drive but when racing I want something that isn't too realistic They are the best IMHO. Games like Burnout . . .
Oh man you're making me remember Burnout 2.

Good golly was that a brilliant game. I loved the crash mode and I loved how the music would change when you hit the boost button. Really fun game that one that I wasted many hours in.


Well-Known Member
Oh man you're making me remember Burnout 2.

Good golly was that a brilliant game. I loved the crash mode and I loved how the music would change when you hit the boost button. Really fun game that one that I wasted many hours in.
I could play this mode over and over. My favorite version was the one in dominator, I think. They were all fun but that version has the biggest set pieces if I recall correctly.


Active Member
Dominator? Do explain as I never played that one I don't think.

I only played Burnout 1 & 2.
They're pretty realistic nowadays, but there's always room for improvement. Every gaming generation I think there's no way things could look better than that, and then they come out with a game that does look better.


Active Member
I kinda agree, but for me Gran Turismo 5 sort of set the benchmark for what could be achieved by console racers in terms of graphics.

I took many pictures in that game and gave them very little to no editing and the results were just incredible. I did lots of shots at Le Mans at night and they just looks so real.


Well-Known Member
Dominator? Do explain as I never played that one I don't think.

I only played Burnout 1 & 2.
Dominator is one of the burnout games that came out for ps2 and it's my personal favorite. It has the best crash mode in my opinion so if you like that part of the game you are definitely missing out.


Active Member
Did Dominator come out after the second Burnout by any chance?

Also another thing relating to the realism in racing games is the time settings in Project Cars. On Brands Hatch for instance I set the in game time to 11pm in the middle of July and the sky was still just that little bit light. But setting the month to November had the sky at pitch black at that time. Really nice how they took that stuff into account.


Well-Known Member
Did Dominator come out after the second Burnout by any chance?

Also another thing relating to the realism in racing games is the time settings in Project Cars. On Brands Hatch for instance I set the in game time to 11pm in the middle of July and the sky was still just that little bit light. But setting the month to November had the sky at pitch black at that time. Really nice how they took that stuff into account.
I don't know which came first but I think dominator came before takedown. I think takedown was the one that got really popular so it's the one everyone talks about and it's the one that got ported to PSP, but I personally favor dominator a little more.


Active Member
I don't know which came first but I think dominator came before takedown. I think takedown was the one that got really popular so it's the one everyone talks about and it's the one that got ported to PSP, but I personally favor dominator a little more.
I'm really gonna have to look into these because as I say I only played the first and second Burnouts and I'll have to give these others a try to see what they are like.

Just out of interest, does anyone have any pictures they have taken within a game that look pretty close to real-life?


Well-Known Member
I'm really gonna have to look into these because as I say I only played the first and second Burnouts and I'll have to give these others a try to see what they are like.

Just out of interest, does anyone have any pictures they have taken within a game that look pretty close to real-life?
If you have a powerful enough computer I think ps2 emulators are now at a good enough state where you could at least try it out. Good luck and I'm sure you'll love it if you liked the first few versions.


Yes, some racing games do seem to be becoming very realistic in recent times. I have even heard that some professional drivers are using racing simulation games for training and for practice purposes. I do, however, think there's a big difference between a realistic racing game and an entertaining racing game. Some of the more arcade-type racing games are a lot more fun to play than the simulations. Having said that, the graphics are becoming superb and are incredibly realistic.


Active Member
I've heard that too about professional racing drivers using games for training and I think they are referring to that racing game on PC where you have to pay a subscription for. It's name escapes me.

I totally agree about the graphics though, I mean some of these pictures that people are taking make the games looks just beautiful. There's no other word for it other than beautiful.