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Are games becoming too realistic?

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New Member
Well jumping out of your car and stealing another after shooting someone isn't really realistic. If it was realistic you would be stopping at every light and not running people over on the sidewalk lol. Seriously though I think the realism is better. The reason why we couldn't achieve this earlier is because of technology. Realism has been the ultimate goal since day 1 though.
I absolutely love that graphics have exponentially increased in quality over the past couple years. I don't think that you can get too realistic because for me at least, I like to live vicariously through the games. There's no way I'd ever attempt to do anything I've pulled off in GTA 5 in real life. However, with better graphics and bigger screens, I can get deeper in the virtual reality.


I do not know but I have seen some people saying that some games were affecting their lives. I am not sure how that is possible. Some people have ended up committing suicide after playing a game I am sure even that is possible.


There is a great balance now. You can choose a game like Gran Turismo if you want to get the real driving experience, or you can choose Burnout if you want to crash and blow up cars. There is everything in-between that you could hope for as well with the Need For Speed Games and even things like Split-Second.


Well-Known Member
I agree with nickjit. Including the past generations' game libraries, we already have a wealth of variety we can choose from, so it's alright by me that they are choosing to make games more realistic nowadays. I just wish they would focus more on putting out unique ideas again rather than making more and more FPS, though, but again, like I said, there's already been a lot of that in the past so I understand that they are focusing on the new trend.


We are far away from realism. It will take a while until we'll be able to enter an immerse virtual reality!


Well-Known Member
@AndreiFL True. I think the only way forward in terms of graphics would be to make them so realistic that it would almost be like just looking out the window.


What does you mean by "too" realistic? Games in modern times have always strive to have the best and realistic graphics, gameplay and story just like in movies. AI needs improvement for sure, that aspect of games isn't realistic to a degree but I can't really see a fault with games being too realistic. That's what games have always strives to be. I can't a recall a game that's so realistic it's boring, now that would be the time to point out some flaws in the game play and story aspect of gaming but even then, is there a game that exists like that?


It's going to take a ling time before that could happen. While we are certainly getting there, a lot of things in games still look kinda cartoonish. In short, we are still a long way off.


I like the realism and high quality graphics, but I miss the art. Games used to have a specific art style, like the anime style of Dead or Alive or the painterly style of Okami, or the cel shading of Viewtiful Joe. There don't seem to be as many unique and artistic character designs because developers are all striving for realism. I miss when characters were unique looking, like the Prince of all Cosmos or Raz from Psychonauts.
Every game is different so there is not an ultimate level of realism. The graphics are getting better as the years go by but the physics still aren't as realistic as real life. I don't think the physics of any game won't be exactly like real life for several more years. In the case of racing games for it to be the most realistic it can be the game developers would have to ride in the real car and then make a precise physics model just for that car. That is time consuming and I doubt that any current game studio can that right now. But we have yet to know what the future holds.


Haha on consoles everything looks like a joke. If you think anything looks "too realistic" you have some really low standards there.


Well-Known Member
Haha on consoles everything looks like a joke. If you think anything looks "too realistic" you have some really low standards there.
Y really think so? I would agree on the gameplay sections but I think the cutscenes have been fairly good for a long time. Though I don't think they can be counted since it's basically just playing a video.


There's definitely sharper imagery and better graphics. I wouldn't say anything looks realistic because it's easy to tell reality from video games, but then again I haven't had a lot of experience with video games lately.


New Member
I honestly don't think a sane person could mistake a game for real have evolved over the time but still don't look good enough to make you believe you're stareing out the window while looking at your computer monitor/TV and, of course, we're still navigate trough the game with joysticks, controllers, keyboards and so on, so we're still disconnected from the virtual world. So I guess we're safe for now :p.


Y really think so? I would agree on the gameplay sections but I think the cutscenes have been fairly good for a long time. Though I don't think they can be counted since it's basically just playing a video.
Yeah, cutscenes aren't rendered realtime so it's not really part of the gameplay, I'd argue Crysis 3 is the closest we are to realistic humans in-game.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cutscenes aren't rendered realtime so it's not really part of the gameplay, I'd argue Crysis 3 is the closest we are to realistic humans in-game.
I agree. Even my original psp was able to play great cutscenes because they were only videos. I'm still excited to see realistic gameplay but I think it will take a very long time before consoles are able to process it.


If you mean graphically then there is no such thing as too realistic. If you mean in comparison to real life events I don't think so. There is a wide range to choose from, both for those that want to be immersed into an imaginary world and those looking for a dose of reality.


We play video games in order to be able to get away from reality even for a short period of time. We are taken to different worlds that are devoid of logic and reason. We can do anything we want as long as it is within the rules of the game world. But, with recent games, haven't you noticed that they're becoming more and more realistic? GTA 5, Gran Turismo... There's too much sense of realism don't you think? Is that a good or a bad thing?
Wait until Oculus comes out. The next level of gaming is on it's way. I'm sure thats one reason why the Xbox one and the PS4 are completely different systems, that are not compatible with the older console games.