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I still play it sometimes. I especially love the Star Wars version. That one was fun, but freaking hard too. That game can be frustrating.


Active Member
They're fun albeit very similar games. It gets frustrating, but all you have to do is figure out the pattern for using your birds and then you'll three star every level eventually.


I was a big Angry Birds fan, but I am not anymore as the game wants you to purchase items to move ahead. I am not spending a dime on a mobile game for sure.
Angry Birds is an alright game. I haven't played it in a while, so I don't know what's new and what's old. Last time I played was the Star Wars version.


Well-Known Member
I decided to check out the new versions just a few months ago and I was surprised to see that there have already been many new versions in just a few years. I think it is enjoyable but with the amount of other options nowadays I just prefer to get something different.

Ghost Rider

My angry boss is more interesting than Angry Birds.

I don't really get the fuss with Angry Birds. What's interesting with this game? What's nice about it? It's not even cute. IMO, it's one of the most overrated video games ever.


I still play it sometimes. I especially love the Star Wars version. That one was fun, but freaking hard too. That game can be frustrating.
Angry birds was fun when it first came out, now I don't play it at all. I'm sure that have some new versions in the making


I have yet to play this game. Mostly because I am not a fan of mobile gaming. They don't have a PC version right ?


New Member
I used to play Angry Birds when it first came out and everyone was crazy for it. However, I haven't played the game in about two years. I think that it's hard to get new innovative themes or ideas with Angry Birds, but hey, there may be more in store for Angry Birds fans all over the world.
Nowadays I don't really play Angry Birds, but in the past I was really a fan of that mobile game. I remember playing it for long hours on my mother's iphone. Some of the levels are quite tricky to finish and as you said it is sometimes frustrating when you can't complete a level for a certain long amount of time, but after all I tend to really like that game.