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Am I the only one who buys a lot of clothes?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Me too. I can't just stick to one set of clothes for my characters. Sooner or later, I'd get sick of it and I'll have to change the clothes to something else to mix things up, because if I just play with the same clothes for my characters, it becomes repetitive to me. Same thing with GTA 4 and San Andreas, I can't decide on one singular clothing for those characters for the rest of the game, so I just keep changing until I find something I like... for now. My tastes may change later.


In real life, I don't usually have stacks of money, since I don't actually go on crime sprees.
So it does kind of make me feel like a baller to buy whatever I want in video games.
I usually go nuts in the Sims games and add crazy upgrades to my houses. It's a fun distraction from real life.
I also purchase an excessive amount of clothes lol. I think my buying habits in real life reflects on GTA. I like being able to switch up my character clothes a lot.


Active Member
I've bought quite a lot of clothing in GTA Online as of late. At the beginning I was trying to base my character off of Vamp as he appears in MGS 4, but over time he appears more as a biker sort of character now.


New Member
Not at all :p I always buy tons of clothes as soon as the big heist is over. Doing misc. stuff around the city is more fun when Trevor is wearing a dress :rolleyes:


No not only you but also me. Whenever there is an update or new in the clothes store, I always end up buying all of them. And I also change my clothes when I got bored too.


Lol and here I thought I was impatient with this kind of stuff. But yeah I love trying to unlock as much stuff as possible and clothing is on that top list. I mean you can't roll around in a fly car with out having the gear to match. So yeah so much fly gear here!


Active Member
Does anyone else buy all the special clothes that come available for a limited time? I'll probably never use some of the clothes but it's a case of it's nice knowing that I've got them, rather than missing out, seeing other people with them and then wishing I had got them when I had the chance.


GTAV has a large amount of customization and cosmetic options for your characters, so I find myself buying and trying on new clothes all the time. It's surprisingly a lot of fun, as odd as that might sound.


Active Member
GTAV has a large amount of customization and cosmetic options for your characters, so I find myself buying and trying on new clothes all the time. It's surprisingly a lot of fun, as odd as that might sound.

Yeah I agree with this. It's good trying to find the right style for your character and in that stage you have to go through a lot of clothes.

I was gonna ask people what their characters are dressing in at the moment but that question sounds a bit pervy! :D


New Member
I don't care much about the clothes so I mostly just spend my money on cars. I don't mind having the same clothes all the time but from time to time I do like to change it up a bit.

I feel the same, but after playing the game for a long time, for me in San Andreas...I decided to go blow my money on shopping. I actually enjoyed shopping in the game, if felt weird but relaxing in a way. When you create so many custom designs for your car collection, you get bored eventually.


Well-Known Member
I feel the same, but after playing the game for a long time, for me in San Andreas...I decided to go blow my money on shopping. I actually enjoyed shopping in the game, if felt weird but relaxing in a way. When you create so many custom designs for your car collection, you get bored eventually.
I do that sometimes too and I agree it feels great. I don't do it on purpose to save money but I just don't tend to buy a lot along the way until I finally exhaust all other activities and I start shopping.


I don't care about the clothes. I'm all about the cars. I can stay in the same outfit forever for all I care. I do enough clothes shopping for myself. I can afford to skip it this one time.


I only have a few outfits because it's really for nobody but yourself. It's not like buying a really fancy car where people are going to take notice. It's not like they are going to run you over and go "wow, that was a nice suit he had on". But that's just me. I just have a blue suit as one outfit, and a t-shirt and jeans. And then of course, my heist outfit.