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5 reasons why Saints Row IV will blow out GTA V. I DISAGREE!!!

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New Member
Now I know this may be a hated topic, but I caught the article just today and I had to share it. I like Saint's Row and all, but I wouldn't even consider it to be better in any way than any GTA game. It may have that random flare and fun, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing this in GTA V. I think they figured they need random and they're going to push some of that towards us.

Anyways if you want, read the article here: Whatculture

Mr. Bellic

New Member
Haha wow. I know SR will have its better parts and all that, but I doubt it'll be as popular as GTA V. Now I respect SR for being what it is, a generally random fun game to play, but it gets boring after a while and even though I have not played IV yet, I doubt it'll keep me interested for too long. GTA V will have the superior online, gameplay, story and it may even have the crazy fun humor that SR is now known for.

We will see, we will see.


New Member
I like Saints Row, but it seems their latest game has gone off the track. The story doesn't make sense and it isn't gangster no more. But like others, I play the game to have fun. I will probably get Saints Row IV but only when it is cheap. I like playing them to have fun and just a general laugh as Saints Row 3 was great for that.


I don't think it even makes sense to compare Saints Row to GTA anymore, they are just completely different.
GTA kept their realistic tone where SR4 has you flying around and shooting fireballs out of your hands.
Saints Row 4 s closer to Infamous or Prototype than GTA.


How can someone compare a Saints Row game to GTA game? Why would someone do it? Saints Row series has always been an awesome game to play, but it's s different from GTA V. There is not much effort put into making Saints Row 4 as it was developed within 2 years.

GTA V is freaking huge man!


New Member
The writer seems to be basing his opinion on the fact that the video ad for Saints Row is more interesting than that for GTA V which is spurious to say the least. Maybe he was no good at GTA IV or he is just looking to get some traffic via controversy?


New Member
The only game that might blow GTA out is Watch Dogs, and even this one, has only a tiny chance of doing it.. GTA is supreme king amongst the genre.


The only game that might blow GTA out is Watch Dogs, and even this one, has only a tiny chance of doing it.. GTA is supreme king amongst the genre.

I don't think Watch Dogs has that potential.
It will probably be a great game, one of the games of the year, but next year you will be finished with it and you will still be playing GTA V.


New Member
To me it sounds like fanboyism to me neither game has come out yet so their is no way in telling if one will be better then the other and even that is subjective, but with that being said I love both the GTA and Saints Row serious for different reasons.


Yep I definitely agree with you here. GTA V has been in making for more years than Watch Dogs and is more dynamic than it. It has more to do than Watch Dogs has to offer. Both games are going to be awesome anyway.


Exactly, I'll definitely be playing both, so why pick a favorite? If I had to pick only 1 to buy then I might be concerned about that, but as it stands, I will simply play and enjoy both:)


New Member
There really hasn't been that much in common between Saints Row and GTA since the first Saints Row game. It has jumped the shark more or less and done its own thing. Unless GTA games in the future end up in the matrix and let you kick people into next Tuesday whenever you want I don't think there will be as much of a comparison anymore.


Exactly, I'll definitely be playing both, so why pick a favorite? If I had to pick only 1 to buy then I might be concerned about that, but as it stands, I will simply play and enjoy both:)

But I am interested to know what if you were give an option to play only one of these games? What would you have done then? I for one would pick up GTA V over Saints Row 4 any day.


But I am interested to know what if you were give an option to play only one of these games? What would you have done then? I for one would pick up GTA V over Saints Row 4 any day.

Oh yes I would definitely pick GTA V over Watchdogs no question about it. I don't think Watchdogs will have the replayability and longevity after finishing the storyline that GTA V will have.


Oh yes I would definitely pick GTA V over Watchdogs no question about it. I don't think Watchdogs will have the replayability and longevity after finishing the storyline that GTA V will have.
both are developed and produced by two different companies.

Well, I for one think that both games are going to be awesome. You can't compare these two games as they are produced and developed by two different companies. You can't compare these two games.


both are developed and produced by two different companies.

Well, I for one think that both games are going to be awesome. You can't compare these two games as they are produced and developed by two different companies. You can't compare these two games.

Than why did you ask me to pick just to then say they can't be compared?

-Do you like burgers or Ferraris?
-Oh I'd prefer the Ferrari
-You can't compare the two, one is a car and the other is food