Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
Nоt surе if Im dоing sоmеthing wrоng with this sim but thе саrs sееm tо drivе slоw . Fоr еxаmplе thе 60's саr оnly gеts tо аbоut 52 mph . Оnly if Im gоing dоwn hill dоеs it gеt tо 60 plus. I аlsо nоtiсеd it with thе fоrd fiеstа .


Well since 60's cars tend to have a lot less powerful motors for its time, especially the early 60s, they go slow. The fastest I have seen an old car like that go was about 72 miles an hour, but that was generous as it was going down hill as well.


Keep in mind the surface your driving on too. Are you constantly veering out of way of traffic, driving off road? Several factors take into this unless you are driving on a flat tarmac surface with zero obstacles.


I have yet to experience 60MPH with it so I don't think it's gonna be an easy task..
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Well-Known Member
60 sounds painfully slow for a racing game. Maybe they went too far with realism. I have never played this game before but I think it would be boring if the cars moved that slow.
That's just the way Dirt racing is supposed to be. The cars aren't the most powerful ones out there, and it would be dangerous to drive too fast on a dirt road.


Active Member
It depends on the track and the car, what game are you playing, by the way? There are some dirt racing games where you can go over 60MPH no problem.
Depends on the map maybe. The surface of the road you are competing on greatly affects the speed of your car, especially if you are off the track. I don't think it's a game play bug or error, it's just making the game a little more difficult and a bit more realistic for the seasoned players of these types of games. Make sure to get the right pick of car or adjustment, and you'll be fine.


Depends on the map maybe. The surface of the road you are competing on greatly affects the speed of your car, especially if you are off the track. I don't think it's a game play bug or error, it's just making the game a little more difficult and a bit more realistic for the seasoned players of these types of games. Make sure to get the right pick of car or adjustment, and you'll be fine.
Yes, the surface is one of the most important factors. The speed of the car really depends on the surface. The friction effects the speed.


Well since 60's cars tend to have a lot less powerful motors for its time, especially the early 60s, they go slow. The fastest I have seen an old car like that go was about 72 miles an hour, but that was generous as it was going down hill as well.
At that time, 72 miles per hour was considered a good speed. This was because of the less technological development and that time. Nowadays, that speed is common among street racers. 72 miles per hour is not considered great in this era.


Yes, the surface is one of the most important factors. The speed of the car really depends on the surface. The friction effects the speed.
Nowadays, many games feature different types of surfaces. Among all the racing surfaces, the ice surface is my favourite because of the least friction. The less the friction of the road is, the more speed you will get. I know it will be little slippery but it's a great surface to race.


Active Member
With any dirt racing game the speeds you achieve are going to be less than you get on a circuit, simply down to the surface your actually driving on in the first place.

Watch rally driving in real life, and the cars very rarely hit top speeds anyway, as for one, the course is too dangerous. You can't control a car on a winding course on dirt and mud at 150mph no matter how boring you might find it unfortunately.