Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

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Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. G

    Am I the only one who buys a lot of clothes?

    Yeah, I think so. I only ever visit the clothes shop every new update to check out what they have, but I usually use the same two or three suits for my character. I'm not really the kind of guy who obsesses over how his character looks.
  2. G

    Should Rockstar Do a Cops Version?

    Funny thing, the GTA series initially started as a cop game in which you chased robbers and criminals. Rockstar saw that people enjoyed creating chaos however, and made it into the series we all love today. I definitely think they should try out a cop game. It would be fun to actually get to...
  3. G

    Will GTA ever be really, really close to real life?

    Well, as technology will advance and if consoles will ever catch up in terms of technology with PCs, we'll most likely see a lot of features added so its more life-like. However, I don't think we'll ever see a game which will properly emulate real life.
  4. G

    Do you trust Rockstar for GTA VI?

    I trust them only because they're the only ones who can make the game we're all expecting. However, their latest business practices kinda make me want to say "screw them" and stick to GTA IV and GTA V. Still, I know that I'll be the first one to preorder GTA VI as soon as it'll be available. xD
  5. G

    Relay Adversary Mode: Your thoughts.

    Huh, well this mode sounds interesting. I don't know how I missed it until now, but I'll definitely give it a try when I'll fire up GTA V next time!
  6. G

    Infinite story?

    I can't really imagine a GTA MOBA game, but I can see it becoming an MMO. Hell, GTA Online is basically an MMO, but with its population divided in small groups. They have it all set up, they just have to add an actual story to Online. And no, the missions in which you just grab a car and get it...
  7. G

    Infinite story?

    They could make it always-online (of course, many will not agree with this), and the events are pushed in real time from their servers, making GTA VI like an MMO game. With surprise events and patches, it wouldn't really be an infinite story (nothing is truly infinite, after all), but it would...
  8. G

    Online community is bad?

    It's GTA. If you go in expecting anything less than cancer in voice-chat form, you're in for a surprise. Also, pretty much any online game which allows you to kill others will be an endless deathmatch, so that's expected of GTA V. This is why I find that games like this are better played with...
  9. G

    Do You Like "Elimination" Races

    I like this game mode, because I think it keeps you on your toes: one small mistake and you can be the one eliminated, with no time to get back in the game. It's way better than the normal races, but there's something about the classic racing formula which seems to be more popular with the...
  10. G

    Do You Like Racing Games With a Storyline?

    I love stories in video games, and I honestly think that a game with a bad story is better than a game without any story at all. That being said, I loved the Need For Speed games that actually had a good storyline (such as Most Wanted 2005), but lately most racing games have had pretty bad stories.
  11. G

    Real racing in GTA?

    There already are custom race tracks in GTA Online, and one I've downloaded is actually NASCAR. You should check those out.
  12. G

    Have you got bored of GTA V yet?

    Yeah, a bit, but I still fire it up from time to time to either check out the new GTA Online DLCs, or to just shoot the shit with my friends who are in the same situation as I am.
  13. G


    I chose option A, because Michael was my favorite character, and I thought that giving him a death would make his storyline seem even better. It...kind of worked, but the second time around I just had to choose option C. I love all the characters too much to kill another lead character again.
  14. G

    What cars do you currently own?

    Maybe we'll see more car customization options when the imminent expansion pack will release. If not, PC modders have already created a fully customizable car. I don't have the link, but I guess you can find it pretty easily on the Internet.
  15. G

    What subtle touch of this game made you go "wow, they really thought about everything"?

    Haha, they really thought about everything! The amount of content and detail in this game keeps amazing me day after day.
  16. G

    Would you be content with GTA V being the last GTA game made, but updated constantly?

    Nah, people won't lose interest. It took them a loooong time to release GTA V since they announced it, and the game sold successfully... 3 times! An expansion for this game would be really successful.
  17. G

    Sniping Spots

    I only tried the Schlongsberg Sachs Building, and it worked. As for platform discussion, don't you worry: PC Online is pretty much unplayable because of the hackers.
  18. G

    Would you be content with GTA V being the last GTA game made, but updated constantly?

    Well, I mean, if they will add new content to the single player game, then you can expect that content to be ported to the multiplayer as well. It's just how Rockstar operates. I think that e3 2016 is too early for gta vi, maybe a teaser in 2017 would be more like it.
  19. G

    Some Mario Kart 8 Comedy

    Yeah, they're definitely something. The one I watched and made me feel really old was one with a really old IBM-PC, something which was really similar to what I had when I was younger. They were sooo confused by it!
  20. G

    Forza Motorsport 5 Forza 6 to have "next-gen" rain effects

    They do, but I guess it was kind of silly to dedicate a 3-minute conference slot solely for an interview about rain effects.