Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Recent content by Chia555

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
  1. C

    Are games becoming too realistic?

    Well jumping out of your car and stealing another after shooting someone isn't really realistic. If it was realistic you would be stopping at every light and not running people over on the sidewalk lol. Seriously though I think the realism is better. The reason why we couldn't achieve this...
  2. C

    Xbox or PS3?!

    360 because it has better exclusives and controller. I don't use it that much now though because I bout an xone.
  3. C

    Need for Speed Movie - March 2014

    Aaron Paul is the lead character. That's all I know about the cast though. If you don't know who that is it's the guy on Breaking Bad. I am definitely looking forward to this movie. I am a huge fan of the fast and Furious series (RIP Paul Walker) and just racing movies in general.
  4. C

    Gamers how much do you spend a year on games?

    The 4 Major games I get yearly are Halo, NBA 2k, Forza, and Call of Duty. Halo is the only one I don't buy each year because a new one comes out every few years. I would say I spend about 200 a year on games. I like to try them out first and I rent a lot.
  5. C

    What kind of television have you got?

    I have a 54" Panasonic plasma television. I am planning on getting a 55" Vizio M series LED tv pretty soon. I'll probably wait until the price drops though. It's already a good deal as it is IMO I just want to get it for even better .
  6. C

    Project Cars is coming to consoles. Are you planning on picking it up?

    The game looks absolutely beautiful in the trailers. They are most likely using a PC but I can't wait to see this game on a console when it comes out. I'm interested to see how the physics, graphics, and content compare to games like Forza and GT.
  7. C

    What would save the Wii U from abysmal sales?

    I honestly think the naming of the console had something to do with it. I mean the casual user will not know the difference between Wii and Wii U. Is the Wii U just a bundle of some other things? Is it basically the same as the Wii so no point in getting it? These are the questions i had. Heck...
  8. C

    Best Controller

    I love the Xbox One controller this time around, especially for racing games. I love how you can feel the triggers rumble when you hit the gas or step on the brake. It really helps you get a feel for the car. The joysticks are also much more fine tuned and there is no dead space.
  9. C

    What Would You Improve In GTA V?

    The one thing I would change about the game is the car physics. It feels to unrealistic and arcade like. I really liked GTA 4's physics because it felt like the cars had weight. Was it perfect? no. But they could have tweaked it a little bit and made it even better for GTA 5. Now you can be...
  10. C

    Forza Motorsport 5 How do you feel that Forza 5 compares to Forza 4?

    Completely agree with you. I still think Forza 4 was the best Forza game to date. I like some of the new features added to F5 but they are now lacking more than they added. There was more things to do and more content in F4. I miss the old storefront, more tracks, and more cars. I don't like...