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Your Favorite Actor?

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Wow, thats's a tough one! If I had to choose, it would be...........Owen Wilson!!! I know he's not one of the award winning actors but he is really funny. I like the way he whispers when he talks and he is just crazy!!
I like Liam Nesson. He's quite versatile and a good actor all around. He's also from Ireland which is a plus. He has a terrible American accent though.


My favorite actor it Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. That guy works really hard whenever he is creating a movie and he really does put his heart into his work. I really admire people who work hard to get where they are in life and he is definitely an inspiration to me.


Well-Known Member
Mine would be Al Paccino. I'd admit that he kind of acts the same way in most of his movies, but I like that style a lot so I don't mind. I also find him very charismatic and he throws himself into the role every time.


I don't remember his name, but I really liked his work in The Inception and The Island. Both movies were fantastic and so was the acting in those movies.


Angelina Jolie hands down is my favorite actor. She can make anything look beautiful, and everything look like something you want to do, she makes every character her own.


Angelina Jolie.
Smart, Sexy and a hell of a good actress and honestly a great person.

She's one of the most real and amazing people in hollywood. :)


favorite actors are jack nicholson and leonardo dicaprio. both did very good impersonations of someone with OCD which i have. but while nicholson was more towards humor, dicaprio really nailed it i must say (in the aviator).


Christian Bale. I've seen everything he's done, from Empire of the Sun to that weird Chinese movie he did.

yea that guy is intense . and gifted too. american psycho was creepy. but he needs to do other genres . id love to see him do a comedy . like robert deniro in meet the parents.


I personally don't have a favorite actor and I think of it as a good thing, because I have many friends that watch garbage movies just because their favorite actor plays in them. They still think that the film is great and they don't seem to realize that they think this way just because the actor plays in there.


Ron Pearlman. The man is so nice for someone so ugly and gruff looking. It's adorable when you read things from him, or acts he's done.
Liam Neeson is another favourite. I mean, come on, how can I not love him?


New Member
I personally would not watch a movie just because my favorite actor is in it. Besides, I usually don't find out until I'm actually watching the movie anyways. My favorite actor is Paul Walker...R.I.P. Excluding the Fast and Furious series, there have been movies that I've watched out of boredom that I didn't know he starred in.


Well-Known Member
I personally would not watch a movie just because my favorite actor is in it. Besides, I usually don't find out until I'm actually watching the movie anyways. My favorite actor is Paul Walker...R.I.P. Excluding the Fast and Furious series, there have been movies that I've watched out of boredom that I didn't know he starred in.
I am the same way except for in a few cases where I really like the actor. I also like watching random obscure movies and getting surprised that someone well known is in them because usually they do their best work with the underground type movies.


New Member
Denzel Washington is by-far my favorite actor. I have seen every single movie he's been in, and he never seems to disappoint! He may go down as one of the best actors ever.


Well-Known Member
Denzel Washington is by-far my favorite actor. I have seen every single movie he's been in, and he never seems to disappoint! He may go down as one of the best actors ever.
I recently just saw a movie of his that was kind of bad but because he's in it it became watchable. He brings a lot more to the table than just his acting skills, he is very charismatic and entertaining.


I don't really think I have a favourite actor, but I did say today I'd watch pretty much anything Tom Hardy was in.

Yeah, Tom Hardy really is getting good with his acting recently. I've always been a fan of him since I saw Inception, where he played his charming sort of sarcastic suave sort of character. He played his character very well, but I thought nothing of it. And then I saw him in more and more movies like Tinker Tailor Solider Spy with Gary Oldman, saw him in his fantastic movie Locke and now, I just can't wait to see his new movie Legend, cause that looks just absolutely bonkers, but also typical Tom Hardy. Oh and Warrior, that was an excellent film.