Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

You know what would be a crazy idea? A driving game based on...

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


...Drive, 2011 film starring Ryan Gosling.

You'd get two basic missions.

One: During the day, you do car stunts for some high-octane Hollywood movie.
Two: At night, you're the getaway car for bank-robbers and thugs.

It would periodically be ultraviolent, but most of the game would just have a chill synthy 80s vibe.

Fuck. YEAH.


You have my vote for the worst idea I've ever heard.

What are you saying, that sounds great!

It would be a great combination, it's like the best idea for a racing game I ever heard!
Okay, who's with me for making big money with this concept?


I'd play it for the music and atmosphere alone. I love neo 80's music I don't think it's a bad idea.


I, dont like the idea if it's only stunts or getaway driving. You would need much more than that to be successful.
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Well-Known Member
I think it's a good idea. I love the movie and I'd buy this game provided it is made well. It would take someone who really understands the tone of the movie though since if they don't then it would just turn out to be generic.


"You have my vote for the worst idea I've ever heard." - troutski
"It's like the best idea for a racing game I ever heard!" - utneqo7d

See? Even the reactions are like the reactions to the movie itself. I think it'll be the perfect adaptation lol


@Wubwub If they get Rockstar to do this, they'll probably do a good job. If they get some no-name Racing-Action-Asphalt:-Jungle-Fever-3-DLC-making company, then I'd rather they not make it LOL


I think that this would be a great game to play but like the person above said I think that the best company to make a game like this would have to be a company like rockstar. That is why I really loved GTA 5.
Sounds very interesting, it could go either way really. You'd have to create more backstory than is typical in driving/racing games for it to be true to canon, but i could really see it working. and driving in a getaway car just sounds like so much fun


10/10 I would play this game, lmao. For added laughs, have a night time bank robbery take place at the shop from Five Night's at Freddy.


Could work, sign me up. I'm always interested in new and crazy ideas. I'd love a game where you have to get away from police with proper mechanics. The driving model can make or break a game like this.
Based on... Old 80's Movies. You could grab characters from the brat pack days all the way to Stripes and Ghost Busters as well as Weird Science. You could race Kit from Knight Rider against the Ghost Buster car..


Well-Known Member
@Wubwub If they get Rockstar to do this, they'll probably do a good job. If they get some no-name Racing-Action-Asphalt:-Jungle-Fever-3-DLC-making company, then I'd rather they not make it LOL
Very true. I think Rockstar will have the most potential to see the essence of the movie rather than just slapping the title on any generic game they already have lying around.