Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

You can change your walk style in GTA V!

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


Active Member
I don't know exactly when this was implemented, but you can choose from various walk styles in the Quick Menu that affect the manner in which your character walks. Pretty funny, if you ask me.


Active Member
I think it was in the game for quite some time already. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. Probably some people didn't know about it.


Active Member
I stumbled upon this feature recently, it's a great way to add some more swagger into the way you walk :p


Active Member
Is this for online, single-player, or both?

I know for a fact that it's in GTA Online, but I'm not sure about single player. I would assume both, but maybe not since the three characters are pre-set with certain characteristics.
Isn't that just for GTA Online? If it is for single player too, then I definitely have to fire the game up and make Franklin walk like a pretentious diva.
I've actually never realized this, but now I'm trying it out next time I boot up the game. I always think it's so amazing how much content GTA V has that I keep discovering things all the time.


Well-Known Member
I agree with specter, they really put in so many of these small details that you keep finding more and more each time you replay it. I think having a different walk style adds a lot to replay value even if it's just a small change.


I never noticed this. Thanks for pointing this out. I never thought you can change your walk style in online. Thanks.


That's pretty cool. I haven't played the online version of the game yet. But I'm going to look on YouTube for videos of the various walks.


This was in the game ever since it released on PC, not sure if it was there before. But yes, I've played this game when it released and I've played it quite a bit (over 150 hours on Steam currently), and that is something I noticed right away. There are a few options, but really, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I walk anywhere. I usually run, or drive.


Well-Known Member
This was in the game ever since it released on PC, not sure if it was there before. But yes, I've played this game when it released and I've played it quite a bit (over 150 hours on Steam currently), and that is something I noticed right away. There are a few options, but really, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I walk anywhere. I usually run, or drive.
Good point. I guess it's just a minor detail you could do for a bit more personalization but you're right you spend much more time in cars.