Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).
Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I'm sure you guys have heard about Yakuza before, right? The other franchise that people tout as the Japanese version of GTA. Actually, other than both are about underworlds and crime I don't see any other similarity. Nevertheless, I've played them on the PS2 before and while they're great games, they're far from GTA great. What do you guys think of Yakuza?


I think the only similarity in both series is that you have tons of side activities to do in both of them.
When it comes to fighting, driving and violence, the games are very different.
Don't think I've heard of the game Yakuza before. But I do remember a gang called the Yakuzas or something similar in the GTA game. I believe it was GTA Liberty City Stories. They were the pretty hardcore gang members who hung out around the sky train!


New Member
I think they are similar to GTA to an extent but I really haven't gotten to far into the games myself to be honest.