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Wrecking havoc in the streets

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Ghost Rider

Wrecking havoc in the streets in GTA V is as much fun as completing the main story. What I do is just go to a random street, bring out a weapon, beat up on some poor random guy or gal and let all hell break loose. It's so much fun to see people running to and fro and not knowing what to do while I dish out destruction all throughout.

Do you enjoy wrecking havoc in the streets too?


You wait to complete the main story? I do that just for fun. I will do the mission objects for a bit then save, then the fun starts. I just go out and see what trouble and havok I can cause . This usually end with me huddled in a back alley with a swarm of SWAT officers charging in to beat me down.


New Member
Wreaking havoc in the streets is so much fun. Especially when you're playing online because you can team up with people and wreak havoc together which is twice the fun. I enjoy sniping pedestrians while I'm up high on a rooftop, but I really love to steal the fighter jet from the military base and fire missiles at cars on the roads.


Sometimes this is all that I end up doing when I turn on the game. I just like to go to Ammunation and get myself some heavy duty guns. When I do this I like to go to an area in the town where there are a lot of people. What I like to do is that I like to start by running down the street and punching people behind the head. After I do that the rest is history! Total mayhem in the streets.


Well-Known Member
This is my favorite part of any GTA game. Whenever I get tired of the missions, I always revert to just rampaging in the streets, and I also like doing some of my personal goals like only using certain weapons or doing some stunts.


New Member
All I do in GTA V is rob banks and kill people.

But then again I play with my friends and have a good time.

It's all the same.


I think everyone does this in GTA. You do story missions and on the side have pockets of time when you just go mental by killing everything you see, providing you save beforehand so you can go back to it of course :D


New Member
This is what makes GTA so fun. The hours I have wasted doing the stupidest most fun things...Running around and getting five stars and wreaking havoc.


I always prefer doing that than anything else in GTA games. I am a big sucker for amazing storylines, but wrecking Havoc is the thing I like the most.


New Member
Best part of the game for me. Who doesn't like speeding down the side of pavements mowing down anything it's path! Maybe driving is not your thing, simply get out of the car, whip out that rocket launcher which is hiding down your pants (somehow :)) and blow everything to smithereens!


This is probably the best part of the GTA series for almost everyone. I personally like wrecking havoc in GTA and let all the people run around like crazy. After that I wait that the cops show up and I start to shoot them or just run away and let them chase me.


Oh, I love causing chaos on the streets. Whether it's just randomly punching or getting into fights with the pedestrians, driving like a maniac and causing traffic pile-ups, exploding cars with a rocket launcher, or just knifing people and shooting car drivers, it's so much fun to cause such anarchy in the streets.


Well-Known Member
Best part of the game for me. Who doesn't like speeding down the side of pavements mowing down anything it's path! Maybe driving is not your thing, simply get out of the car, whip out that rocket launcher which is hiding down your pants (somehow :)) and blow everything to smithereens!
Rocket launcher is one of my favorite ways to rampage. Of course other similar weapons are my favorites too like bombs and Molotovs.


I love wrecking havoc in the streets, killing civilians and police. Best part of the game. I love using Launcher too and Tank for killing People. It's funny.


It's the only thing I know. Killing random people is really fun eve though it seems immoral. I love doing it.

Ghost Rider

Lol. I guess we all have a dark side. We normally are a peaceful bunch. But when given the chance to do something crazy without any repercussions, we do it. I guess most of the fun from GTA comes from fooling around the streets, exploring, and creating chaos once in a while.
It's very cool and I have loved to cause huge chaos in the GTA game world ever since 3. Doing it in GTA V single player isn't as fun as it was before for me though, I really don't know what it is. If I ever want to wreak havoc on GTA V I jump online and do it there, it's much more fun when even players start coming after you, or when you can do it with a friend.


I guess I'm the odd man out. The mayhem isn't really that attractive to me. I'm more likely to do yoga as Michael than go on a rampage as Trevor. I also enjoy just driving around. I'm one of those guys who sometimes follows the rules of the road and just drives around to look at the city. Exploring is my favorite past time.


I find causing havoc in GTA games to be part of the fun. I sometimes just like to see how high I can get my wanted rating to go up and how long I can evade the cops.

Maxx Johnson

New Member
I love just grabbing a tank, and much like yourself, wreak havoc in Los Santos. Maybe try to hold of 5 stars as long as I can, or just mess around.