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Would you rather be 4'5" or 7'7"?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I'd rather be 4'5". I could start wrestling, hit up the little people conventions, and maybe even get my own reality show. Tall people just get asked if they can play basketball, that's not very exciting to me. ;)


New Member
4'5" because I don't want to bend down when I'm entering into my own house, and don't want to crawl in my own hallway. I also enjoy fitting on my bed and don't feel like paying for a new bed. I'm already clumsy enough, don't need the extra foot and a half to make my life harder haha.


New Member
I would rather stay the size that I am. I may get teased about my height by my siblings, but I like being the size I am. I may say I want to be taller, but that's so I can look down on my siblings for a change. I am happy with my height and I would not change it for the world.


I would definitely stay my height but if I had to choose it would be 4'5. That is super short but I really wouldn't want to be super tall. Being tall requires more things to be tailored and being short, you don't have to worry about that as much.


I'd rather be 7'7. I read that if you're over 7 feet tall, there's like a 17% chance that you've played in the NBA. 7'7 is definitely in the tall end of that spectrum so I could be making some mad cash!


4'5".. 7'7" is waaay too tall. At that rate I'd own basketball and I'm pretty sure i'd be rich but i'd never be able to have a girl kiss me while standing straight..


New Member
Because I am in Germany where everyone is taller than me I would choose to be 7'7". Being short as a guy is not good haha.


New Member
Hard question. I would rather not be any of these two, but if I had to choose, I would choose 7'7". I don't plan on explaining myself because it might come out as offensive, but yeah, that's my decision. Really tough question. :D