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New Member
Is there any difference between GTA IV and Chinatown wars apart from the fact that Chinatown wars has new missions, and doesn't have Alderney island? I'm not sure if it's worth getting if it will be just the same as IV on a different platform.


New Member
I would say so, I own both and I still play both games from time to time, but if you think it might not be worth it might be a good idea to look some gameplay videos on YT that way you can determine if its worth it in your opinion.


New Member
The game's actually really impressive. The detail is really a lot better then what I expected at first. But yeah like the post above said, check out some vids. but I personally think it's worth it, you'll have fun.


What? Its a completely different experiece. Top down, different gameplay mechanics, different story line and what not. They are very, very different games.


They're two completely different games but I'm sure you'll like Chinatown, because it's still a GTA game so go for it!


New Member
GTA Chinatown Wars is a great handheld game if you're already a fan of other GTA games. One of the unique features of it that I like the most is drug dealing. If you get bored with the main story, you can buy and sell drugs for profit and that alone can give you a few hours of entertainment.


It's a completely different experience to GTA IV. The only similarity is they are both set in Liberty City and some of the characters are the same. It has a completely different story and set of missions, so it is very enjoyable for any fan of GTA.


New Member
I'd say if you can get it with a good discount, you should.
That is if you're a fan of the GTA series. The games was made for handheld, primarily so it not the best looking game. But regardless, I enjoyed it


New Member
The missions are the biggest part of the game, man! The whole storyline is different and there's a wide array of missions to be played. I've played every GTA since the first one, and progressively things have gotten better and better over time. Each new game has had an awesome amount of content in terms of missions and given me hours upon hours of play-time. Definitely get it if you like the GTA series! :)


New Member
Definitely! I've played almost all of the GTA games Rockstar has published. The missions in Chinatown are actually pretty well laid out and frankly, I prefer most of them over GTA IV's. GTA games are like a life experience if you ask me. Each one adds on top of each other, so it's definitely worth it.


New Member
It's a different experience if you're used to the 3D versions of GTA, but I think Chinatown Wars is a solid game by itself. The way the game is presented is completely different, but it is extremely enjoyable. Definitely get it if you can!


New Member
In my opinion, you should stick with the newer versions, simply because being next-gen is not a caprice but a need in these times. Many people think that if they stick around with their favourite games from '99 they can remember the good ol' times, but it isn't like that...


New Member
It's a great game and definitely worth it. If you need to, just try to think of it as not a GTA game in general (if you haven't played GTA1 or 2). Comparing it to the 3D GTA games will only hurt your experience with it. Try to take it as it's own thing.


New Member
Very different games and probably one of the most underrated GTA entries in the series. I played it on PSP and had an amazing time with it. Takes some getting used to for some people but I am used to the top down GTA style from the early entries in the series so it was like a blast to the past for me. The game can be picked up dirt cheap nowadays so it is absolutely worth trying.


New Member
Might be. It's quite different but it's still really good. It reminds me a lot of the older GTA's (GTA 1 and 2) due to its isometric view. But I highly recommend playing it!