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Will you be getting Watch Dogs?

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Well-Known Member
I have decided that I will not be buying Watch Dogs. It is not worth it. Better buy GTA-V.
After seeing the current footage, I have been reconsidering as well. It seems a bit boring, but I will reserve judgement until I've gotten to play it. I hope I am wrong because I really want to like it.


I got Watch Dogs, because I was really excited about the game, I though it would be really great and that it would be a lot different from the games that I've played this far. But I got to say that the game dissapointed me, I wouldn't recommend you to buy it if the price doesn't go down, it's a waste of money if you ask me.


Played 3 missions on PS4 and got bored with it.
Instantly hated the driving dynamics and ridiculous sound effects of the various types of vehicles.
Was expecting so much from this game but am left completely dissatisfied and to add insult to injury, I’m now £45 lighter in the wallet.
Oh well, there’s always Farcry 4 to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Played 3 missions on PS4 and got bored with it.
Instantly hated the driving dynamics and ridiculous sound effects of the various types of vehicles.
Was expecting so much from this game but am left completely dissatisfied and to add insult to injury, I’m now £45 lighter in the wallet.
Oh well, there’s always Farcry 4 to look forward to.
That's too bad to hear. I was really excited by it too at first but after a while it did seem more and more boring to me, and I kind of felt it was starting to look just generic. Your comment cemented this guess for me and I will be waiting for it to become really cheap before I buy it.


The latest news is, Watch Dogs has shipped nearly 9 million copies. It seems that a lot of people picked up that game. Great news!


I got Watch Dogs, because I was really excited about the game, I though it would be really great and that it would be a lot different from the games that I've played this far. But I got to say that the game dissapointed me, I wouldn't recommend you to buy it if the price doesn't go down, it's a waste of money if you ask me.
Yeah that seems to be the general opinion. I have only found one friend that actually enjoyed the game. It's kinda sad It had soooo much potential.


Haha sorry for the thread necromancy but looking back here, this basically were all my feelings, I thought it was going to be a perfect game and we ended up getting a bad gta mod.
I heard some positive opinions, but also many negative ones and I think that I won't buy that game only download it from somewhere probably torrents or piratesbay. ;d


Well, with the game being out for a long time now, this game was so overrated. For sure, it was considered one of the biggest selling points of the new generation of consoles and had a lot of varied and cool concepts, but the execution was just terrible. The story was just dull and the main character really didn't have any personality whatsoever. The concept of hacking was used to cool scenarios but when it was open world, the actual execution of it was limited and was just too linear.


I'm actually glad I sold the copy of Watch_Dogs I had won from a giveaway. My PC wasn't gonna run the game anyway and the game turned out to be crap, so I was happy to get $45 from selling it instead.


I've bought Watch_Dogs last year and I really don't like it. I've wasted money on this crappy game and the game is really buggy. Too bad that this game has potential.


Active Member
Watch Dogs is pretty cheap right now. I played it and while the game kind of became repetitive at times it was still quite enjoyable, I recommend it! It is a unique concept.