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The Crew Will Ubisoft make something good here?

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Ubisoft has made a lot of strides these past many years to become a reputable company, and they've become one of the biggest studios around. Now they're trying with racing games with The Crew. What do you expect this game to be like? Will it end up being a mediocre racing game? Or will it be something impressive? I hope it's the latter because I want to see Ubisoft succeed for some reason.


I have mixed feelings about Ubisoft. I remember when I was younger and less computer-literate a lot of their games needed some configuration before they'd start up. Their customer service was just plain terrible. That said, I have very high hopes for this particular title. I want to see it succeed because it looks like it could be something original.


Ubisoft. *tries to get bad taste out of mouth* It's so hard to predict where it is that they're going to go. I can see them even abandoning this, if they don't get the proper funding together.


As you have stated yourself, Ubisoft is kind of a big deal now because of their awesome games. They haven't produced a bad fame in the recent past, have they? So we have every reason to believe that The Crew will be an awesome game. The folks at Ubisoft are working hard on it. I am pretty sure it;s going to be awesome.


Active Member
If the game is a good as the teasers make it out to be, then I think Ubisoft might have just hit the jackpot with it.



What does this footage tells you? It's going to be awesome. There shouldn't be any doubt about it. Here si some more footage from the game -



New Member
I count on ubisoft to create a greate game as they usualy deliver. The game graphics looks awesome an the teaser really making you want to check it out


I do think they are going to make it great - they are on the right track lately, with The Division announced as well... The footage shows a great game, but one the the things I think matter the most is the size of the map - any chance they stated how long it takes to get from one side to another, or how big it is exactly? I could only find 'bigger than' in Google


I do think they are going to make it great - they are on the right track lately, with The Division announced as well... The footage shows a great game, but one the the things I think matter the most is the size of the map - any chance they stated how long it takes to get from one side to another, or how big it is exactly? I could only find 'bigger than' in Google
I think they stated it in one of their videos. I remember someone saying that it;s going to take more than half an hour easily to get from one side to another. I am not sure though.

If you think logically, that's how much time it should take anyway. I mean, the map is really huge after all, isn't it?


Ubisoft has been doing great these past, what, 5 years? With Assassin's Creed, Far Cry 3, and soon to be Watch Dogs and The Crew. I think they have the money and talent to make an awesome racer and I really hope it is one. I just hope they don't do yearly sequels, please give me DLC every couple months to keep the game fresh, that'd be great. ;)


I really think so. Ubisoft has made many great moves over the past few years, and I think they're becoming an A++ studio and will continue to grow. They're starting to get on the level of Activision and Rockstar. That's saying a lot.


Well-Known Member
I don't really pay attention to developers unless they are continually bad and it becomes noticeable. From the looks of the trailer, and from the idea alone, however, I think I'm going to like this game, and I think they poured a lot of heart into it, or at least they should have, since it's the front runner for a brand new console.


New Member
The concept of this game seems to be a little rough draft ....
They should take their time to make this game because they have a beautiful concept.

It will be very difficult to develop this game in my opinion. I hope it will be good.
I like the fact that the developers focused on the appearance cooperation.

It is now on Next-Gen, so I think it's normal to expect to see a mode for split-screen local multiplayer.

We'll see, but I know that Ubisoft will realize his game properly. ;p


New Member
They will do an awesome job on this one - its a solid concept. even though it will be against a lot of subpar competition, i.e fast and furious, etc..


New Member
I love Ubisoft, it has released some really awesome games like Assassins Creed, Splinter Cell, H.A.W.X etc. , plus Splinter Cell is one of my favorite game series.So, I'd really love to see this new game as a successful one :)
P.S.-This might force EA to improve the quality of NFS games, the new games in the series are not that good.


I've always kinda liked Ubisoft. With that being said i think this game will be a hit. Though, it seems that even with some great games people just won't buy. We will see if people will actually get hooked on this one.


I'm not going to be buying the game at launch, because Ubisoft games are always hit or miss.
If they do deliver everything they promised though I'll buy the game for sure. It looks like they're trying to make a good game and I gotta say that some of the concepts look extremely awesome.


I really trust Ubisoft, especially from the last AC and Watch Dogs. I don't think it will fail with this one either.