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Need for Speed Rivals Will open world work good?

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I like Need For Speed and I love the openness of most of the Need For Speed games, thing is, being open doesn't mean it's all that great. Everything looks the same to me in past NFS games, so I hope the open world in Rivals is brilliant and wonderful. Now I know that you wont be getting out of your car to really get into the detail of it all, but I just want it to look iconic I suppose.

What do you think?


Oh yeah, open worlds give so much more to the fun. Not being limited to race all the time on one track is nice. I like driving around these worlds, even if they're somewhat small. I can't wait to see how open Rivals will be.


Open Worlds are always fun as said by Marcus and i doubt this is any different it will be brilliant i expect but i'm not sure.


Open-wold is a thing that sells like hot cakes nowadays. Just add open world to your game and see them getting sold out. Ope-world games are appreciated as it takes a lot effort to build these games and audience appreciate that.
Open-world is super popular right now - and I'm definitely not complaining! I love open world games, they make the player feel more free and less... bored, I guess. Love the idea!


New Member
Whilst I prefer Open World games I don't really see it working for NFS. It's more suited to mission style games like Grand Theft Auto.


Active Member
I'm with Hedonologist on this one. I love open world games but I just don't see it in Need For Speed.
I agree, that open world games keep those playing entertained longer. It gives you another option besides racing. I mean there are lots of players that just like the feel of driving a car. I know there are plenty of times I Just want to be driving a car just to be driving it.


I hated NFS:pro Street because it didn't have an open world. This is key for me in a racing game, at time I just like to be able to do what I want to do rather than having to choose set races.


Open world games are all the rage now. Just look at how AC and GTA are selling.

Personnaly, I love the open world in NFS, but that is just my humble opinion :)


Well-Known Member
I like the new format, but I'll definitely miss the old one once the open world structure becomes more of a standard. I think it brings about a fresh take to old games, but I just hope they don't rely on it too much and risk turning it into just another gimmick, by which I mean putting in something new just for the sake of having something new without much cohesion with the game theme.
i loved midnight club 3 for ps3, i played that online for days it was definitely my favs, plus the open world made it that much better to explore


I'm with Hedonologist on this one. I love open world games but I just don't see it in Need For Speed.
*Raise hand as well*
Open world would be bad during co-op or multiplayer as the large map will surely cause lagging for those with slower speed.


I don't know about that. I think it would work fine. The Black Box games on PS2 were great with Open World. It just depends on how it's done.


I like driving just to drive a lot of times and therefore I actually appreciate being given the option to just drive. That said I would prefer not to be driving through the same pre-rendered landscapes over and over again so I understand your concerns.

Ghost Rider

If you want open world racing, probably the closest you could get would be Grand Theft Auto. You get to use a lot of different cars, go in and out of your vehicle at will, etc. But of course, it's more of an action adventure game than a racing game. I hope developers would be able to make a pure open world racing game soon.


I do think so, I like to imagine an open world style game. I'm picturing a Midnight Club style game. I really think it would work well considering the last two games.


I think Midnight Club LA is the best street racing game of the generation, and one of the key reasons for this excelling is the use of open world. I think this is one of the most important aspects to differentiate street racing games with track games, as it gives the racer decisions to make in the race.
Open World would definitely work. It might be too casual for hardcore gamers, but I don't like racing on a set track 24/7. Sometimes it's nice to just cruise around and explore the game.