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Will Mario Kart 8 increase the sales of Wii U?

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quote="ACSAPA, post: 56651, member: 2302"]Yeah, it's those exclusive games that appeal to people's nostalgia and keep those Nintendo consoles selling. Of course, they also get good games on there as well. Still, in the meantime, I think people will be pulled in by the Mario games and other exclusives like Bayonetta 2.[/quote]

Agreed, Mario Kart has always been a console seller, and with Smash Bros and Bayonetta coming out this winter, I'm sure the Wii U will bounce back and have a somewhat successful lifespan. Hopefully long enough so that we can get a good Zelda title out of it.
With every release of an original Nintendo IP you can see an increase in console sales. Mario Kart is one of the IPs that most people have loved over the years. After that Smash Bros will be releasing and eventually a Zelda game, each of which will raise the Wii U sales. I'm getting one just for Smash Bros.


quote="ACSAPA, post: 56651, member: 2302"]Yeah, it's those exclusive games that appeal to people's nostalgia and keep those Nintendo consoles selling. Of course, they also get good games on there as well. Still, in the meantime, I think people will be pulled in by the Mario games and other exclusives like Bayonetta 2.

Agreed, Mario Kart has always been a console seller, and with Smash Bros and Bayonetta coming out this winter, I'm sure the Wii U will bounce back and have a somewhat successful lifespan. Hopefully long enough so that we can get a good Zelda title out of it.[/quote]
Yeah, I hope so too. I do notice that the release of games for, really, all of the next gen consoles has been slow as of late. The reason for that, though, is because they're waiting for the holidays to release all the games and make bank on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. They do that every year, yet people are getting mad anyway.


Agreed, Mario Kart has always been a console seller, and with Smash Bros and Bayonetta coming out this winter, I'm sure the Wii U will bounce back and have a somewhat successful lifespan. Hopefully long enough so that we can get a good Zelda title out of it.
Yeah, I hope so too. I do notice that the release of games for, really, all of the next gen consoles has been slow as of late. The reason for that, though, is because they're waiting for the holidays to release all the games and make bank on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. They do that every year, yet people are getting mad anyway.[/quote]

Indeed, people don't seem to understand that spring and summer are always slow times for the gaming world. Plenty of good titles will be released this holiday season.


Yeah, I hope so too. I do notice that the release of games for, really, all of the next gen consoles has been slow as of late. The reason for that, though, is because they're waiting for the holidays to release all the games and make bank on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. They do that every year, yet people are getting mad anyway.

Indeed, people don't seem to understand that spring and summer are always slow times for the gaming world. Plenty of good titles will be released this holiday season.[/quote]
Oh, summer especially. It's funny because that's normally when people want a new game the most. It's because a lot of people either have a break or vacation, so they want to game. Yet, there aren't new games until a few months later.