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Gran Turismo 6 Will car damage get an improvement in GT6?

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Ghost Rider

Let's face it, car damage in GTA 5 sucked. It didn't look realistic at all. It just looked like plastic cars bumping each other here and there. Forza 4 on the Xbox 360 did a better job overall in the car damage department with parts flying and stuff. Do you think that GT 6 would do a better job in this department?


I agree it would be good to see more realistic crashes happening like when you hit something the car rear bumper goes in and you bounce about like a real car would.

Ghost Rider

I really don't buy into the developer's reasoning that it won't car damage would not look good on the image of the car manufacturers. Screw that. I think they're just lazy in creating car damage. Forza could do it and the cars still look awesome. Why not do it on GT too?
lol at the Pagani being in near perfect condition after that insane impact. It does seem pretty ridiculous that GT prides itself as being as the most realistic driving sim, but the damage sustained form crashes couldn't be more unrealistic.
I'm hoping for it to happen, but ever since I heard how the devs explained the bad crashes, I'm not so sure. I wouldn't bet on it.


New Member
I would love to see it happen, but I doubt it. The GT6 series has always positioned itself as more of a clinical sim compared to Forza. They seem to have an aversion to simulating crash modelling in the game, as if it would detract from the experience. It wouldn't - we're not asking for burnout style crashing, just something a bit better than we have just now.


The car damage should get a complete overhaul. It is crazy that for a game like this it would even be a issue. I've seen other games that isn't even racing based have better simulation.


Active Member
I've seen a screenshot in a recent article showing some damage on the front of the Mercedes SLS GT3(?) where the front splitter is hanging a little and the bodywork has some scratches. It looks a bit improved compared to GT5 but nowhere near as good as Forzas damage model unfortunately.

I really am hoping the damage model is a lot better but from what I have seen my hopes are fading.


New Member
Polyphonic Digital has stated that there will be some development and improvements made to car damage in Gran Turismo six, however they have not put any great focus on it as their focus is on "making beautiful cars look beautiful"


New Member
I honestly appreciate realism above most anything else in a racing game. The graphics are important, and so it would be good to see the most realistic FX in place that the developer can offer us. I think GT has always had sharp visuals, but the car damage is dissapointing. I think this ultimately depends on how Polyphonic see it, if there focus is in making the car aesthetics the best they can, then I can respect them for that. I wish that they would also pay more attention to the scenery and the crowds.


New Member
would love to see it happen, but I doubt it. The GT6 series has always positioned itself as more of a clinical sim compared to Forza. They seem to have an aversion to simulating crash modelling in the game, as if it would detract from the experience. I think GT has always had sharp visuals, but the car damage is dissapointing. I think this ultimately depends on how Polyphonic see it, if there focus is in making the car aesthetics the best they can, then I can respect them for that. I wish that they would also pay more attention to the scenery and the crowds.


New Member
To be honest, I'm not sure if it's laziness on behalf of Polyphonic Digital. Though they will be adding some more realism o the games. I wold like to see a "damage system" like that which was used in Burnout Paradise. I mean even the slightest *bump* at 100mph and it's game over. That game really encompassed that well.