Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Why people said on Gta V is more important "kill" each other than money and clothing?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I did read on reddit, Gta V news and did watch YouTube video about people said on Gta V is more important "kill" each other than money and clothing.
more: eco dream
I read people's opinion about money isn't important unless we can afford buy vehicles, apartments or whatever they buy. Also honestly I don't understand why people's opinion said clothing is for "Barbie" lol but my opinion is R* didn't put anything dope outfit at clothing store and director mode outfit way better than R* clothing store. More people likes "kill" each other and people said if some people are passive mode on and said passive mode is pu$$y mode but people have their own opinion want to passive mode on and just leave them alone. And stop be bragging about K/D because people can report you and vote kick you while you did "kill" them and "kill" each other is looks like abuse and griefer. Sometimes people got trolling "kill" because "kill" could be annoying and interrupting them.
My opinion, I didn't likes "kill" each other because "kill" could be more drama and text you bad stuff. Money is steadily because R* could be wipe money everytime. Of course I love Director Mode outfit because its dope and plus I love looking for more rare vehicles. My KD is (1.50) because most times I join Adversary Mode for enjoy that's all.
more: chung cu my dinh plaza 2, dự án eco dream city

Put it down about your opinion.
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