Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Why no underwater swimming?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
I think it's because it will have a larger data because if you want to swim underwater that mean that you need a whole new world, that mean a larger data.


New Member
I think it's because it will have a larger data because if you want to swim underwater that mean that you need a whole new world, that mean a larger data.

That sounds about right a lot of data would make the game also require more ram. It probably would have made the PC version take up 20GB of hard drive space for the underwater swimming portion.


There is really no need to include under water swimming in the game unless it is a mission. The under water landscape would only increase the size of the game and decrease the performance.


I don't think that there were any missions that you needed to go underwater for so I don't think that they saw the need for you to be able to swim underwater so I think that they just did not find the need to include it in the game. Unlike GTA 5 where some of the missions are underwater.


New Member
I don't think that there were any missions that you needed to go underwater for so I don't think that they saw the need for you to be able to swim underwater so I think that they just did not find the need to include it in the game. Unlike GTA 5 where some of the missions are underwater.

How are the underwater missions in GTA 5? I like the underwater missions in GTA San Andreas and I would love to play GTA V soon.


I think that, since they were still testing the waters of the Xbox 360's graphical capabilities, they didn't quite know how to do next gen underwater swimming yet. They obviously worked out the kinks in GTA5, though.


New Member
There's be no point in my opinion as it was a city. So there would be no deep places besides the water under the bridges and the outside of the docks. It would have been pointless. I'm glad they put more time into the interiors and overall feel of NYC instead of this pointless feature for a map like that.


There's be no point in my opinion as it was a city. So there would be no deep places besides the water under the bridges and the outside of the docks. It would have been pointless. I'm glad they put more time into the interiors and overall feel of NYC instead of this pointless feature for a map like that.

While that is true, I'm guessing the people wanted it just for a simple realistic feature. I was honestly confused by it initially, too, since underwater swimming was a new feature introduced in San Andreas. You'd just expect the subsequent game to have that as well.


New Member
Well underwater scenarios don't really fit into a New York style setting I guess. San Andreas had large portions of natural environment so it fit there much better in my oppinion. Why would anyone go swimming in New York anyways, the water is pretty much filth?


New Member
I would have loved underwater swimming and diving in the game, but I guess that would have been too much work for the developer. The game was a huge leap from the previous games. Maybe they thought that adding this feature would not have any significant impact on the overall game and hence they didn't.


I guess Rockstar just decided to not include swimming there because they wanted to concentrate on the land part of the game. I guess swimming just wasn't a focal point and they felt that it was not necessary in this particular game. I actually did not like to swim when I was playing GTA SA.


New Member
Well I didn't miss the under water feature that much because the missions were focused in the city and you rarely went to the sea or the ports. I don't see the big fuss about no under water mission.


New Member
Although I personally think underwater swimming isn't very important at all and doesn't really add much real importance to the game, it was a cool feature and I'd like to see it in future GTA's. You can add it in using mods, but that doesn't really help the console players :p


New Member
I think they just wanted to focus more on the city landscape instead of the nature part. If you notice, GTA V is a little more focused on the natural areas instead of just urban.


New Member
I don't think people swim too much [or at all] around Mahattaten Island in the last 50 years, so in contrast to GTA IV's Liberty City, I opinion Rockstar personnel figured it was pointless to add swimming into the game. Also, GTA IV seemed to me, like rushed game and wasn't as great as its predecessors or GTA V; not having the ability to swim, did not help.


New Member
Maybe swimming is available on the development phase and they decided to cut it off when they saw the game itself is gonna big.