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Why I Don't Shop at Gamestop

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Yeah! I'll bring back the Atari, Sega Genesis and the old Nintendo. This might be pre-mature, but Game Stop will be screwed!

Dont forget about the Dreamcast and Playstion 1 and 2 Im still missing a few games Ide like to add to my collection.
Gamestop is a monopoly scheme. They sell games at high prices and then give almost nothing for trade ins. The used games are in horrible condition too, I don't see how people still shop there. I just wonder how many millions they have made by tricking people. I hope they go out of busineess one day.


I am not going to shop at Gamestop or any other retail shopping sites ever. I prefer to buy my games digitally where everything is far cheaper than this.


Active Member
Gamestop is a monopoly scheme. They sell games at high prices and then give almost nothing for trade ins. The used games are in horrible condition too, I don't see how people still shop there. I just wonder how many millions they have made by tricking people. I hope they go out of busineess one day.

They sell their new games at the same price as every other retailer, and they sell their used games at rates lower than the new games. Tons of other companies do the same thing for video games and consumer electronics, especially for trade-in programs, including Amazon. I don't think you understand what a monopoly scheme is...
To put it blandly. gamestop robs you blind and makes you think that you're getting a deal. you sell you used 60 dollar game for 35 and they sell it for 54 used. you can get so much more money selling your stuff on the internet.


You are right man, I never seen such a professional and shady game business in my life. I mean just the idea that they would buy used good condition games at 2 bucks and then resell them for $10 bucks said a lot. This is what started the fair game trade on Ebay which I must say is a good FU to the uberization of game stores. Don't even get me started on their 3rd party accessories that never lived up to its potential. I'm glad that place is going down cause maybe it will make room for the mom and dad shops again. Who even if they did do something shady would still make sure it was at working potential bro!