Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Why hаvе sеrvеr mаintеnаnсе еvеry Tuе. If yоur nоt fixing gаmе???

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I wаs just wаndеring why yоu hаvе sеrvеr mаintеnаnсе еvеry tuеsdаy,, but yоu саnt rеlеаsе а singlе pаtсh tо fix аry оf thе mаny rеpоrtеd bugs in this fоrum??


You need to ask them that. There are hundreds, if not thousands of forums of video games. No way they can look and read all the bugs that we find. If you find a bug report to them directly, as they most likely will not be able to satisfy everyone and read ever thread made on this game alone.

Do you report the mistakes on your recent electric bill to the water company?


Active Member
Server maintenance as well though doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to be looking at anything actually involving the game itself, but they're doing exactly what it says...looking and providing maintenance to the server.

Releasing patches for the game is the usual method of fixing any bugs and like @JoshPosh says though, if people aren't reporting the bugs to them, themselves, they aern't going to know that there's anything in the game that actually needs fixing.


Active Member
Every game has bugs and you'll never see a company fix all of them, after all I'm sure they're doing their best to maintain the game in the best shape possible. A patch is likely coming soon.


Every game has bugs and you'll never see a company fix all of them, after all I'm sure they're doing their best to maintain the game in the best shape possible. A patch is likely coming soon.
Yes, you are right. The patches are made to fix all the issue. I think they are doing a good job by releasing the patches on weekly basis. It is very important for them to do this because it will increase their sales and profit.


Maintenance exists for more reasons than to fix bugs and patch the game. That said, the developers have been fixing bugs, maybe not as quickly as they should or could be fixing them, but they have.


Like some of the other users have mentioned it does not necessarily have to be fixing bugs or anything like that, and could really be a whole host of different things when you really think about it. Maybe they just want to do some proofreading...who knows. I would guess that it is beneficial for them to have a set time per week to do so, though, in that we are all a little more disciplined when things are scheduled.
Most times, when a company is doing server maintenance, it is to improve the stability of the servers for the tens of thousands of people that are on them daily. Software engineers are usually working every day to try to fix bugs. However, it's usually more complicated than most people think. Fixing one bug can lead to dozens of others being put into the game, which in turn produce more bugs when they're fixed, and so on. I know that a lot of other popular games face the same problem, but the limitations of the capabilities of software engineers are not endless.

I've definitely noticed that the servers have gotten more stable over the past months. When the game first came out, I was having trouble playing multiplayer all the time, but now, I haven't experienced a problem like that in over a month.

However, there are still definitely some bugs that need to be worked out in the game. I'm sure that with time they will be ironed out, but until then, all we can do is wait and hope that the people working on fixing them can do their jobs well!


Well-Known Member
I don't think those are the same things necessarily. They might just be maintaining the servers but not really maintaining the game at that moment. From what I understand the fixes usually come during updates.


Well, the server maintenance is one of the most important things that the developer needs to take care because the server maintenance ensures that there is not any glitch in the game.

Denis Hard

How long it takes to fix bugs differs from developer to developer. There are some who'll take their time, wait for all bugs to be reported before they take any action or act fast depending on how many complaints they get. So you have to be patient.


Active Member
It also shows just how far we have come when talking about gaming online, and it wasn't long ago that a game would be released and that would be it. There would be no fixes or patches to the game or any maintenance even to the actual servers themselves.

Now we are moaning because they ARE fixing the problems and making the servers run smoother, so in a way they can't win. If you want the game to keep playing as well as it does online, then it's going to have to go offline at some point so it can be maintained.


New Member
Some games don't have server maintenance, so why do some other games do? Also if they're doing a bunch of that, they should also update the game while they're at it imo, since people are going to be annoyed at the downtime and then also the bugs.


They need to maintain it because they need to upgrade the servers to because all the players rely on the strong and powerful gaming servers.


Active Member
It's true that not all game servers have to have maintenance, but I think a lot of that is to do with the game itself and who is actually behind the games as well. If a game is ranked number 1 in the world for example with millions of users online globally every day, then that server is going to be under more strain and need maintenance more than if a game is only played by a few.

If a niche game can be tagged onto a server that exceeds that games capabilities, the chances are it shouldn't need any upgrades or maintenance at all, as it will be more than capable of dealing with what that game and it's users need.


They have to do a regular maintenance so that the servers don't crash when they aren't supposed to. There is no way around it.


New Member
Maintaining the server probably does not have much to do with fixing any in game bugs or anything along those lines. Servers are complex an expensive and require a lot of attention to keep them running smoothly. Without routine maintenance they would go down and online play would be impossible. I do know that other companies who do online game play and maintain multiple servers so when one goes down for maintenance the whole game isn't affected.


On official site of the game you can find all information
On the official site, they have written that they have set the days of maintenance of their servers and it is important because they need to check the efficiency of the servers.


They have to do a regular maintenance so that the servers don't crash when they aren't supposed to. There is no way around it.
Yes, this is absolutely right. Many people experience servers crashes when they play the games. It is very annoying for the users. That is one of the main reasons for maintenance.