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Why does this game receive so much hate?

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I know that the fact that this game is top-down view turns off some people, but seriously this game is very underrated. Just because this is Top-down doesn't mean that it isn't good.


New Member
It's an isometric perspective rather than top down, but I remember many didn't like the cartoon/anime-ish type graphics. IMO it wouldn't suit anything else.

I think in the grand scheme of things CTW is underappreciated. Which is a shame because it's quite fun.


New Member
Mostly because it's different. I remember not being too fond about it when it was out as I found the story dull and controls clunky. Second playthrough made me realize that CTW is actually quite fun and many of its ideas could be easily implemented in the next big game to make the best GTA ever.
This should be available for download and game play on PS3/4 like PS2 games are. I've tried to play it on my phone, but I just can't get into it. If they would allow game play on the PS3, I'd be all over it.


New Member
This is a too different game, and some even say it is dumbed down compared to even GTA 1-2, but it is just different and mroe story-oriented.


Active Member
I think a lot of people aren't keen on the game as its different to the other games in the GTA series. People get used to playing a certain way and they don't like the way this game makes you play from a different angle.
Hate? Are you sure? I'm pretty positive that everywhere I see this game mentioned, it is praised as being the best portable GTA game to date. This might be because of the mobile release, and I think that was one of the smartest moves Rockstar could have pulled out.


New Member
I think a lot of people aren't keen on the game as its different to the other games in the GTA series. People get used to playing a certain way and they don't like the way this game makes you play from a different angle.

Exactly... I didn't like the early GTA games, therefore I wouldn't appreciate this one either. The change of a third person view to a bird's-eye-like perspective is too big a change for me, to be quite honest. But that's just me; I'm sure the other fans had more reasons to complain about.


New Member
It's a different approach Rockstar took, which wasn't and currently isn't well-taken or even welcome. Nothing really related to the game itself, but it should've followed decent guidelines.


Yeah, I don't get it too, the game is pretty awesome, so awesome that I've already played for full 2 times. It's easily the best game on my iPhone.


I honestly liked this game a lot, especially while I had nothing but my DS around. I don't think it's worth hating on as it provides countless entertainment hours just like GTA does, and it was something fresh and different in comparison to GTA in other consoles.


New Member
I think the biggest part of the hate comes from the fact that many people are expecting a traditional GTA experience but they wind up with a complete different UI than they were expecting upon downloading the game. Since it's not meeting their expectations, they're going to talk smack about the game.
I think it's because there are other GTA games for portable consoles and they have the normal third person view people are used to. I really liked the game and had fun with it, but it doesn't surprise me that people are put off by its presentation.


Active Member
You'll also probably find that a lot of people that say they don't like the game haven't even played it and its just the look of the screenshots that put them off.

If they play the game then maybe they'd realise that it isn't as bad as what they first think, and just takes a bit of time to get used to.
I personally think it is because it isn't comparable to many other GTA games. The presentation is bad and I didn't like the storyline. However, I'm not going to say it's a horrible game.


New Member
I agree with some of the weaker elements of the game cited above, but I chalk up the poor reception to 2 main reasons which aren't the game-makers fault. The first would be the completely immersive experience fans have grown use to with GTA just was (and in many cases still isn't) possible on mobile, the second was the underdeveloped mobile game market in terms of demand for a more mature title such as GTA Chinatown Wars.


Active Member
I agree with some of the weaker elements of the game cited above, but I chalk up the poor reception to 2 main reasons which aren't the game-makers fault. The first would be the completely immersive experience fans have grown use to with GTA just was (and in many cases still isn't) possible on mobile, the second was the underdeveloped mobile game market in terms of demand for a more mature title such as GTA Chinatown Wars.

I agree and I also think that the mobile gaming platform isn't the best to showcase the GTA games. GTA doesn't play well on mobile, and that's not a fault of Rockstar or the actual game, it's mainly down to the limitations of the device it's being played on.


Active Member
I don't think it has the same feel as the usual GTA games like San Andreas or Vice City, the top-down view definitely adds to that. It also has a weak story in my opinion.


Active Member
This game also isn't helped of course by the fact that all the other games in the series are so good. People play those, and expect this release to be just as good.

Rockstar in this occasion were a victim of their own success I think, and people expect bigger and better after every releases, but on this occasion that wasn't the case.