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Why are people whining about the driving in GTA V?

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I don't understand. The controls are much smoother then what it was in IV. Yeah the impact on car's is now worse, but it helps with driving! What do you guys think?


I am not sure i love how the cars move and find the turning excellent you can't be amazing at everything some people are good at shooting some at driving..


New Member
I don't have GTA V yet, but from the countless videos I've watched, the driving looks amazing! Car models are nice and shiny, and it looks smooth. I know I can't really judge it until I play it, but from what I've seen it looks fine...I can't wait until it comes out for PC, then I'll really be able to know!


Active Member
It's a racing forum with users that have some experience with the genre. So when a title comes up that isn't strictly a racing game, people relate to what they know, like comparing how cars control.


It's not a Burnout or Forza in driving and people want it to be as good as racing games. Well, it's not going to happen people. GTA 5's driving can't be as good as other games that are all about racing, but it seems as though fans want too much from Rockstar. It's not a bad thing to want too much since Rockstar supersedes our expectations every time.


New Member
The game is not strictly a driving game, so I do not believe that all these people should be complaining about the car controls in GTA V. Besides, most GTA players find a type of thrill when crashing their cars or doing dangerous stunts. Only a few amount will find pleasure in driving a car perfectly in a GTA game.


Well there's always complainers complaining about a game, it can't please everybody. I certainly don't hate the driving and it's controls. It's just a matter of getting used to it. I'm a quick learner and caught on pretty quick.


I honestly don't have a problem with driving but i sure do have a problem with flying helicopter though.


People are whining about the driving? I dunno but I think it's excellent, definitely much better than Cars on Ice (aka GTAIV). Specially fun with Franklin's ability man, then you NEVER have to brake.

Ghost Rider

Well, if you view it at a racing standpoint and compare it to the handling of cars on a game like, say, Forza or GT, then you would most definitely be disappointed. But if you take the game as what it is - a sandbox, action adventure game with some driving on the side, then it becomes much much better. It depends upon perspective.


It's not a racing game and the handling on most cars is tricky. But you can learn how to steer and accelerate fast, and you will be fine in most situations.


People will always find something to complain about. Be it graphics, gameplay or big storage size lol. Nothing new under the sun.


New Member
I like the driving now in gta 5. I don't really see much of a difference with 4. At least the driving is better than the ps2 titles. Easily flip the car over now unlike the previous titles, really frustrating.

Ghost Rider

I think the people who are complaining are those who are expecting to have a real driving experience. Though the controls are a bit better than the previous versions, I still find them pretty loose. But personally, I don't have any problems with the game itself. It's not like the driving deters from the overall experience.


I personally like it a bit better than GTA IV. I don't know if I was just bad at driving in GTA IV but it just felt like I had a hard time turning corners and staying in control.
I like it better than GTA IV as well, but the only reason is because I remember when I first started playing GTA IV and I did not like the racing component. After a while I got use to it, because it felt so real. However on GTA V I was a big fan of the driving from the get go.


Most of the complaining I've heard from other people is that its either "too hard" or "too easy". I find that to pretty stupid seeing as you can go as fast or as slow as you want, some of the turns are a little sharp but that's why Franklin exists isn't it?
I honestly love this game and find nothing wrong when it comes to the driving I actually like it even more because of how easy it is and I will admit I was not use to it at first because I was use to the old school controller where X was for the gas, but ever since they updated it I have gotten use to it and find it just as easy to handle its just a matter of adjusting to the new way of handling it, no big deal.