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Who's excited for Silent Hills?

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Ghost Rider

A lot of people were terrified by the payable trailer of the upcoming Silent Hills. I haven't played it but I have seen videos of it and it's definitely scary. Now, I can't wait to get my hands on the game. I have played Silent Hill since it was first released on the PS 1. That game was absolutely amazing. I have high hopes for this one. Anybody who's excited?


Well-Known Member
I honestly never seek out silent hill games but almost always once I get to try it out I enjoy it, so I am looking forward to their new release in a way.


The playable trailer looked amazing and had this kind of quality of high tension. Jumpscares were almost devoid and the high tension was just an old school way of scaring gamers and it worked beautifully for this kind of playable trailer. The marketing was just great and I, am for sure, looking for the new Silent Hills.


Well, the game was cancelled and now all of my friends and sisters and not just my friends, there are angry. Because all the hype they build and then they cancelled it. I'm sad.
Heck, after Metal Gear Solid 5, we'll be lucky if Konami even stays in the game business let alone make another Silent Hill anything.

But I guess the writing was on the wall with this one with Kojima having a falling out with the executives.


It's really sad it got canceled, it looked good and I don't even like survival horror games... such a damn shame!

I think Konami is honestly gonna have a rough time staying afloat after Metal Gear Solid V comes out. I hope MGSV comes out alright, since it looks perfect.


Well-Known Member
It's really sad it got canceled, it looked good and I don't even like survival horror games... such a damn shame!

I think Konami is honestly gonna have a rough time staying afloat after Metal Gear Solid V comes out. I hope MGSV comes out alright, since it looks perfect.
It got cancelled? I wonder why, it's a very popular title and I'm sure many people would buy it if they made it.


Yeah, it got canceled. You know how Hideo Kojima, of Metal Gear fame, was directing it, right? Well, apparently he and Konami had a falling out, so Kojima left Konami (or maybe Kojima was kicked out) and didn't allow Konami to continue using the FOX Engine to work on the game.

It's extremely sad to hear, honestly. I really wonder what happened between Kojima and Konami.


Well-Known Member
That's too bad. I'm hopeful the franchise would continue on again soon and I'm optimistic it will since I'm sure it is very profitable for both sides.


Well, that sucks. Silent Hills got cancelled and the reason that sucks a lot, was because that's the only game that really was considered to be one of the top horror games to come out. The teaser was beyond amazing, probably one of the best demos ever, considering how detailed it was and as a standalone demo, it had enough backstory but enough vagueness to create a sort of myth surrounding fog around the game. Not only were there huge names behind the title, the game itself looked to become the next new horror game but sadly, it eludes us once more.