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Who else is a minecraft fan?

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I never thought on playing minecraft, but when my old computer's graphic card overheated and I had to use the graphic card on my motherboard, I didn't have any games to play because of my less then good graphic card. I remembered that my friend used to play minecraft and so I picked it up and started really enjoying it. I'm a big fan of minecraft now and I play it with my friends quite a lot, when I got the time. When you play a game with your friends i don't think that the game could get boring any time soon. If you don't have fun playing a game with your friends then I think you have a wrong type of friends.


New Member
Personally I don't play it, but I love looking at some of the things people create on that game! I wish I was as creative as most people.
I'm a pretty big Minecraft fan myself! I played since Alpha and really watched the game grow. It's still continuing to grow in a good way too!


I like Minecraft I play that game everytime. I build houses or a village. And thanks to the mods, it became better than before.


New Member
I've never really been able to get into Mine craft exactly, but i always watch my friends play. They had problems with the PC version for a while and i made a video on how to fix it. Turn out a bunch of people have the same problem. If you have anyone who has problems with their PC Minecraft here's the link to my video


New Member
I tried playing it to see what all the hype was about, but it felt like I was dealing with a Nintendo game from the 80s. The graphics is a real turn off.
I am an avid fan of Minecraft since 4 years ago and that would never change. I introduced Minecraft to my little sister and she loved it also.