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Who Did You Kill? Spoiler Alert!

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At the end of the game Franklin is faced with a decision and he has to chose whether he will kill on of his friends. I chose not to kill any of them.

Who did you chose to kill at the end of the game Micheal, Trevor or none?

Let me know.


Sorry about that I did not realize that I had already posted this question. So I have a new question how did you choose to finish the last heist did you use the chopper or did you use the cars?


Stretch, Steve Haines, Wei Fong, and Devin Weston were the ones I killed. In other words, I kept the main 3 characters alive. I chose ending C and I'm proud of it. I didn't want Michael or Trevor dead. I like the main 3.


I chose ending C, though the list kinda made me think that ending C would end with Franklin dead. It was good though, I didn't want to lose any of the main characters and their unique abilities...

As for the last heist, I chose the cars. It was a lot of fun to drive those pimped out rides while being chased by every cop in the country!


I chose ending C, though the list kinda made me think that ending C would end with Franklin dead. It was good though, I didn't want to lose any of the main characters and their unique abilities...

As for the last heist, I chose the cars. It was a lot of fun to drive those pimped out rides while being chased by every cop in the country!
The name was meant to trick people into thinking that since there's a Kill Michael and Kill Trevor option. They thought that "Death" Wish" would be Kill Franklin. Instead it's (at least I think so) the best ending out of the three.


I just really didn't want any of the main three to die. I like them too much. The protagonists for this game, I think, have the most multidimensional personalities of any of the GTA protagonists. They felt somewhat real. I didn't want to kill these three, who I got so attached to.


Yeah although it was just a video game I really grew to like the characters of the game and to kill any of them would have really bothered me. So I just went ahead and chose the option that allowed me to keep all of them alive because I really could not see myself killing any of them because they really became my friends and I really liked them.


Yeah although it was just a video game I really grew to like the characters of the game and to kill any of them would have really bothered me. So I just went ahead and chose the option that allowed me to keep all of them alive because I really could not see myself killing any of them because they really became my friends and I really liked them.
Still, how did you know that was the one that kept everyone alive? The ones who got the game around the launch didn't know that Ending C would save the main 3. "Death Wish" made it sound like you'd have to kill Franklin. Well, that's what most people said. I spoiled it for myself, because I was curious. When I found out what Ending C really was, I went for that one immediately. It was rewarding, really.
I went for Ending C as well. I really enjoyed playing through the storyline and seeing all of the protagonists progress. I admit, I spoiled it on the wiki, but keeping all three alive made it so much better as I got so much satisfaction. I enjoy playing as all three of the characters, and I am glad that Rockstar put this choice in the game.


At the end I didn't kill anyone. I couldn't bring myself to do it. Michael had a family to take care of. He didn't always do the right thing but he had the right motives. I just felt bad for Trevor. Too much sympathy to kill him. I somehow wanted a fictional character to give up drugs and turn his life around.


Michael's death was really sad. His life was about to turn around and he was going to make things work with his family. It truly felt like a betrayal for Franklin to kill him. Even if you tried to change your mind during the part where Franklin grabbed Michael's had as he was falling, by choosing that ending/mission, you sealed his fate.


Trevor's death was just crazy. A crazy death, like being burnt alive by ignited gasoline, sadly fits his crazy personality. I say that out of love, he's my favorite character. You could also make his death anticlimactic by shooting Trevor in the head instead of shooting the gasoline. As messed up as it is, though, if you're going to betray Trevor like that, you may as well give him a fitting end.


Active Member
I killed everyone across multiple playthroughs, and I completed the heists in just about every way possible. I have no idea why I felt compelled to replay the single player story more than three times.


I killed everyone across multiple playthroughs, and I completed the heists in just about every way possible. I have no idea why I felt compelled to replay the single player story more than three times.
No, I find that impressive. Plus, that gave you incentive to replay and really see all the alternatives. Are you trying to 100% your save now?
Ending C. But I do think killing Trevor would make more sense. Trevor was losing his mind minute by minute and was probably going to kill Michael. And Franklin you could say, has more loyalty to Michael. Trevor was a great character, but story wise it makes more sense. Also, there would have to be more than making Trevor burn to death. It should have had more closure between the bad guys behind his killing.


New Member
Originally I chose ending C, mainly because I didn't want to kill any of the characters, and was hoping option C would be the safe haven. That, and I didn't care for the guys trying to get me to kill my friends. After picking option C, I went back and picked the other two as well. I enjoyed the scenes between Michael/Franklin, and Michael/Franklin/Trevor respectively especially Trevor refusing to help Franklin kill Michael, when Michael was more than willing to help Franklin kill Trevor. In the end though, the game was going to be screwed up if I ended up losing one of thee.characters, as I'd lose the opportunity to complete their sidequests, so I chose to keep them all alive.


I went with death wish. I just couldn't justify killing any of the main characters it would of felt a bit empty without them. Not to mention I didn't want to lose the millions I spent on each character.