Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Which was your first Xbox console to play?

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


New Member
My first was Nintendo, which was a gift from my dad after which I got the sega which a friend introduced me into which was you first and how did you get into it?

ridwan sameer

New Member
You're asking which was the first Xbox and you're saying Nintendo?
I think you mean what was our first console.
Anyway, That would be either the Gameboy Color, Or the PS1, I can't really remember, I was very young.


New Member
I think you should change he name of the topic it makes it confusing, but mine was a Sega Genesis my parent's got me one for my Birthday along with two games Sonic 2, and Primal Rage! I don't know how old I was, but I was a kid back then.


New Member
My first console was an Atari 2600, which makes me sound older than what I am, although I think my parents must have just got it cheap or something like that. I certainly couldn't go back to using joysticks again today!


New Member
I think the first ever console is unforgettable. We'll never forget the name and how it looked like because it was an amazing experience. My very first console that my father bought was the Sega Master System. I even remember the first games he got me were Hang On and Astro Warrior/Pit Pot combo.
Not quite sure what my first exact console was. I think it was a Sega Genesis, but I'm not too sure. It might've been the SNES. It was definitely one of those two though.


New Member
The first Xbox console that I played on was an Xbox 360. I didn't own it though. It was at my friend's house where I used to play multiplayer games with him. I guess we play NBA 2K games there.
I think the first ever console is unforgettable. We'll never forget the name and how it looked like because it was an amazing experience. My very first console that my father bought was the Sega Master System. I even remember the first games he got me were Hang On and Astro Warrior/Pit Pot combo.


New Member
My first was Nintendo, which was a gift from my dad after which I got the sega which a friend introduced me into which was you first and how did you get into it?
My first Xbox console to play was the original Xbox, which I got for Christmas one year. I had always been interested in gaming, but the Xbox was what really got me hooked on video games.


New Member
The Xbox Series X, I love my EBL controller's battery pack. This allows me to use the same controller without having to worry about the battery running out.