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Which movies stand above everything else in your movies list?

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New Member
There are several movies released throughout the years that are legendary and have been loved by many people across the world. However, everyone has their own list of movies which are the best for them. Movies like Interstellar, Fight Club, Inception are usually included in the list by many. What is your list? Which movies do you think are better than others?
If by stand out we mean the most number of times we've watched the movie on purpose, I think I have one: Empire of the Sun. A world war 2 flick that had its background set in Shanghai. It basically centers around survival and coming of age. I've seen this movie for more than a dozen times and never grew tired of watching it. Perhaps its historical and a lot of emotions are involved.


I guess the movie that stand iut in my movie list this year is Along with the Gods. I watched it several times because I really like the story flow and cinematography.


All movies actually keeps on improving yearly. Because a lot of new cinematography techniques are being discovered.
Just lately this avengers flick became a blockbuster hit again, in both asian and westerne markets . But truth to tell, I miss the action packed movie preceding tht where Thor still maintained his form and there was not too much drama and sad to say, crying involved in the film. I mean, cmon guys this Marvel series is basically cartoon/comics and pushing itto the level of deep drama is something weird for me.


I mostly prefer the horror and the scifi movies. And this year there was no such movie out there for sure . I guess we have to wait for such movies these days.