Callback \rw\loadSkin::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).

Which ending do you prefer? *Spoilers just in cae*

Callback \rw\load990970::getHtml is invalid (error_invalid_class).


I like the one he survived. I think he is one of the better characters so I wanted to see him live.


New Member
Yeah i saved roman in my first playthough! Despite how annoying he is just couldn't bring myself to kill him off the storyline!


Yeah, I believe the reason most chose to save Roman is because he is the first npc we met in GTA 4. We got emotionally attached or grew fond of him after spending so many game time with him.


New Member
I don't know if it's just me, but I felt no connection to Kate in the first place. Yes I get it, she's a nice girl and Niko falls for her despite her criminal family. But I felt it was forced and I didn't really care for her. She wasn't interesting and was a pretty bland character. She had no memorable moments in the story. Roman, meanwhile, is the first character you meet and gives you your home(s) as well as being able to pick you up with his cabs. I just felt like Roman was a much better companion story wise, character wise, and gameplay wise.


New Member
I don't know if it's just me, but I felt no connection to Kate in the first place. Yes I get it, she's a nice girl and Niko falls for her despite her criminal family. But I felt it was forced and I didn't really care for her. She wasn't interesting and was a pretty bland character. She had no memorable moments in the story. Roman, meanwhile, is the first character you meet and gives you your home(s) as well as being able to pick you up with his cabs. I just felt like Roman was a much better companion story wise, character wise, and gameplay wise.

I would have to disagree, I feel that it was one of the best..


Kate seemed so sudden and really not very well written and I really like her all that much as a character. I was happy with my roman lives ending. She just seemed so boring and really not all that great.


New Member
The ending is pretty brutal whichever choice you decide to make. I personally saved Roman, but at no point did I feel like I was making the right choice. I think Rockstar did a great job making an ending that didn't have a *right* answer. It really added to the realism of the game for me.


I liked the one when he lived. I really didn't like the woman that would live in his place. I really don't feel like she added anything compared to the bowling king. The man that keeps calling to do crap. He is so much better than a girl that you are forced to feel for. There is no relation to anything.


New Member
I played through the game 3 times so far. I can say that Roman surviving is better, exceedingly so. When I chose the option and Roman died? after the game ended I just went around doing police missions, finishing up cars for Brucie, and there was no Roman. Just was not the same. That character is really a warm, sensitive guy, and in the end where he died? I missed him. The world of GTA felt so empty afterwards. I mean, really empty. Always, when a game of GTA ends, and there are no more missions, I feel a sense of sadness. I really get into that world. Kate surviving just did not thrill me for an ending. she just basically dumps Niko. I did not like that at all. I was kind of angry with Kate's character. She knew what he was, led him on, and punished him for making that decision. I mean, if you want to date a church guy, go to a church. She knew what he was, so should have accepted his choices.


New Member
Of course I saved Roman; Kate was a pathetic and forced character that had literally no interesting traits going for her. Roman was your cousin from the very beginning, with a character that you could get behind - He was a charming character, to be sure.


I will admit after the story is done it's probably not as exciting, but I've always felt like this after completing the story of any GTA. After the story in GTA III all you really do is drive around causing chaos, and completing the remanding side missions. Same with VC, and SA. Yet for some reason GTA IV is held to another standard like there is literally nothing to do after the story.

I don't know what makes the old GTAs so much more appealing after their stories have been finished when all you really do is the same stuff you've already done over, and over again.

Maybe it's just me, but I find GTA games are generally more enjoyable during the course of the story. I get that "Last person at the party after everyone has gone home" kind of feeling after I've finished the stories in each game. Sure I can keep dancing, but it wont be anywhere near as fun as it would be with everyone else there.

This thread isn't a bash on the old GTAs in any way, but as a fan of the series since GTA I don't know why GTA IV gets criticized for having nothing to do after the story when A) there are things to do, and B) Every GTA feels the same way. Atleast to me.


Roman lives, I didn't really feel a connection to Kate. Roman was a such a cool guy in terms of how nice he was to you. Even if you were causing him massive amounts of shit.


New Member
I really hated choosing for Kate in my first playthrough. I felt so bad afterwards and there really was no consolation since Kate never answered your calls anymore.
In all my other playthroughs I saved Roman so I could go bowling with my favourite cousin!