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Which console do you like better?

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I somewhat collect consoles (along with my video games). My favorite would still have to be my original Xbox, my PS2 and my Xbox 360. I'm not one of those "Microsoft vs. Sony" people. I like both of their consoles and I like the games they have on them.


Honestly, I have the tendency to play consoles when no one else is playing them. So currently I got my eye on the regular XBox and hopefully I can get my hands on some wireless controllers. Because they had them for the Dreamcast selling at like $125 a piece.


Active Member
I think XBONE and PS4 are pretty similar so it would be a hard choice for me, I love the PS4 controller and console design but Xbox One has the better hardware and games. I'd go with Xbox in this case.


Well-Known Member
I somewhat collect consoles (along with my video games). My favorite would still have to be my original Xbox, my PS2 and my Xbox 360. I'm not one of those "Microsoft vs. Sony" people. I like both of their consoles and I like the games they have on them.
I never got to try the Xbox 360 but I always assumed they were just similar and maybe just varied on exclusives. I did enjoy my ps2 a lot though as I had so many unique games that I loved there and sadly new consoles don't have much of those innovative titles anymore


Of the two big ones, the Microsoft and the Sony, I actually like the Playstation a lot better overall, but I have always liked the controllers for the XBox machines, though, so that is a big plus in their corner. I am not really sure what it is, though, because they are pretty similar. Maybe it is just what I played more when I was growing up so I just kind of stuck with it.