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Where is Twisted Metal?

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Ghost Rider

Twisted Metal is an exclusive franchise of Sony and has a huge following. Its cast of creepy characters and awesome vehicles have won people over. Twisted Metal is mainly a car combat game but could also become a great racing game. It would be like Mario Kart for adults. So, where is Twisted Metal for the PS 4 Sony?
I don't know if they're planning a PS4 version of Twisted Metal, but if they are I hope it's nothing like the PS3 version. I loved the original Twisted Metal and I had a lot of fun playing it with my friends, but the most recent PS3 one was a huge disappointment, I couldn't finish even one story and the online games were pretty boring.


New Member
Twisted Metal was the best probably on PS2 for me. The PS3 versions were alright but the most fun I had was Twisted Metal II. They could probably do more to revamp it and make it new again on PS4 if they wanted to.

Ghost Rider

Maybe they should make Twisted Metal Kart. That would be fun right? It would be like Mario Kart but with a more adult theme. A darker story, more weapons, lots of tracks... It would be insanely fun don't you think? Sony did a version of Smash Bros. Why not a version of Mario Kart?


Maybe they should make Twisted Metal Kart. That would be fun right? It would be like Mario Kart but with a more adult theme. A darker story, more weapons, lots of tracks... It would be insanely fun don't you think? Sony did a version of Smash Bros. Why not a version of Mario Kart?

That would be a cool idea. The last Twisted Metal reboot on PS3 was cool looking.
With today's graphics, a Twisted Metal racing game would be a lot of fun and very crazy.


Well-Known Member
I've only gotten to play the older versions and from the way the cars handled I think it could make for a great racing combat game although if they ever do I hope they tweak it a little just so it could have a more racing feel to it, probably some drift mechanics that will still be integrated well within the current setup.


Maybe they should make Twisted Metal Kart. That would be fun right? It would be like Mario Kart but with a more adult theme. A darker story, more weapons, lots of tracks... It would be insanely fun don't you think? Sony did a version of Smash Bros. Why not a version of Mario Kart?

That actually sounds like a good idea. Make it a Kart version for the older gamers, with a darker tone and themes. That will sell in my mind anyways. I played most of the Kart games out there and this would be a fresh idea and take on the whole Kart genre.
Twisted Metal? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time! I remember playing it about 10 or more years ago. It's the game with the creepy clown in it, right? Man, what a crazy game that was! Absolute fun with friends, though; I wonder how we forgot about it.


Active Member
At this point, I would probably enjoy an HD remake of Twisted Metal 2, to be honest. That game was incredible fun.


I really love Twisted Metal. I used to lay that game everyday when I was a kid and play with my sisters. It would be awesome if they make a new Twisted Metal that game was awesome.