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What's you're favorite color?

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What's you're favorite color? and why? why do you like it so much?

I like the color Blue, because it reminds me of the ocean, and its the one place I always want to be.


Dark Green. I've never really been sure why but I just REALLY love that color, if I could have everything I own in that color I would.
I like Blue. This color just really seems appealing to me for some reason. It reminds me a lot of the Earth's water and the sky!


When I was little my favorite color was always red and I don't know why, well I don't know why any color is my favorite. Now my favorite colors are blue and black, I don't know why I changed my favorite colors, but I think that has something to do with me getting older and liking other stuff than I did when I was younger.


Well-Known Member
Red is my favorite color because it is the color of passion and I see myself as being very fiery and passionate when it comes to the things I love. I tend to be a bit obsessive and I always represent that as a red color in my head whenever I feel myself being this certain way.


What's you're favorite color? and why? why do you like it so much?

I like the color Blue, because it reminds me of the ocean, and its the one place I always want to be.
I have always liked earth tone colors, brown, blue, green, Black. Those colors are very relaxing to me.


My favorite colors are Black, White, Gray and Orange. Mostly Orange, I like it because it feels so comfortable when I see this color.
Basically I like the color of dawn or late afternoon when the night wrestles with the weakening light of the day. When you are at the park where different colors mingle, it's soothing to the eyes. Perhaps its the orange hues from the sunset that attracts me. All the other colors blend and it just summarizes the things that you've done during the day.


Mine is Black and Yellow green. Most of my clothes are black. I really like the color. Though it's dark, I feel comfortable with it. While, I like yellow green for decorating. My room's color is green. It's peace.


BLACK. Most of the things I own is in black - my shirts, phone, laptop, socks, even my underwear. What I like about it is that dirt or stains would seem unnoticed if it comes with this color. It comes handy when I do laundry :).